Evidence Based Medicine
Evidence Based Medicine is an elective course for General and Dental medicine students and its purpose is to provide them information how to systematically search a wide range of international medical journals applying strict criteria for the validity of research. The students will understand how the experts critically appraise the validity of the most clinically relevant articles and how their summaries can be utilized in clinical practice.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2019 "Increasing of competences and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine".
Acid-based balance
Lecture for 5- year subject Internal Medicine 4. Basic knowledge of disorders of the internal environment, their cause, diagnosis and principles of treatment of metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Metabolic processes ► acid/base ACIDS from carbohydrates and fat metabolism (15-20 000 mmol of CO2 daily) CO2 + H2O ►H2CO3 ►(carbonic anhydrase) H + HCO3 H + Hb in RBC ►released with oxygenation in the alveoli ►reversed reaction – H2O + CO2 – exhaled in each breath.
Plastic Surgery - lectures for students of General Medicine and Dental Medicine
The basic principles of plastic surgery as coverage of skin defect, direct closure, skin grafts, flaps, classification, configuration, components, circulation, complication and basic principles of microsurgery and replantation surgery as introduction, amputation, replantation, revascularization, indication, treatment, transport, monitoring, complication and hand surgery.
Biology 1 and 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine and Dental Medicine
Lectures on Biology 1, Biology 2, Medical and Human Biology 1 and Medical and Human Biology 2 are intended for the 1st year students studying General Medicine and Dental Medicine at UPJŠ, Faculty of Medicine. The published set of lectures is supposed to serve as auxiliary study material for individual biology topics according to the current course syllabus.
Internal medicine - Propedeutics - lectures for students of General Medicine
The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 3rd year of general medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine - Propedeutics in the winter term of the thrid year of study. Basic clinical nomenclature, evaluation of anamnestic data and physical examination in internal medicine. Evaluation of basic auxiliary examination methods.
Internal medicine 3 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
Heart failure, Arrhytmias, Coronary heart disease - clinical symptomatology - diagnosis and treatment (including acute myocardial infarction), Tromboembolic disease - Acute and chronic pulmonary heart disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Bronchial asthma - Tumors of the lung pneumonias, Diabetes mellitus 1. and 2. type - treatment - main acute and chronic complications of DM, Diseases of the peripheral veins
Internal medicine 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine
The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 4th year of general medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine 2 in the winter term of the fourth year of study. Gain basic theoretical knowledge of endocrinology, diabetology and hematology, get acquainted with the examination procedures used in these diseases.
Internal medicine 4 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Toxicology I - diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in acute and chronic poisonings, mushroons, drugs, toxicomania.Toxicology II - poisoning by organic compounds (ethanol and methanol, chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates) and inorganic compounds (heavy metals, CO). Professional diseases of the respiratory system -pneumoconiosis, professional asthma, professional rhinitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Damage to the body from physical causes - vibration, prolonged excessive unilateral load, noise, electromagnetic radiation. Geriatrics - the most common diseases in the elderly, specifics of treatment, preoperative preparation of elderly patients. Geriatric cardiology and cardiac geriatrics.Clinical geriatrics.
Internal medicine 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 3rd year of dental medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine 1 in the winter semester of the thrid year of study. Graduate acquires basic knowledges and skills needed in dental medicine. Complete detailed history, physical examination of the patient and laboratory examination methods. Diagnosis and control the basic symptoms of individual diagnoses.
Internal medicine 3 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Myelodysplastic syndrome and acute leukemias. Anticoagulation and fibrinolytic therapy. Blood transfusion. Haemostasis and its disorders. Investigation methods in gastroenterology and hepatology. Diseases of the oesophagus. Disorders of the stomach and doudenum. Disorders of the small bowel. Malabsorption. Inflammatory bowel diseases. Tumours of the small and large bowel. The Pancreas Disorders of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Chronic hepatitis. Liver tumors Acute states in gastroenterology. Metabolic and toxic liver diseases. Liver cirrhosis. Hepatic failure. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory and immunosupressive treatment. Treatment with glucocorticoids.
Internal medicine 6 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Problem-based teaching with a differential diagnostic approach to individual diseases within the sub-disciplines and mastering the issue of acute conditions in individual sub-disciplines. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Alcoholic liver disease. Acid – base balance disorders. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory, immunosupressive and immunorestaurant treatment. Syncope. Shock.Paraneoplastic syndrome. Differential diagnosis of chest pain. Medical genetics in clinical practice. Focal infection and sepsis. Fever – differential diagnosis in internal medicine. Differential diagnosis of oedema in internal medicine.
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Investigation methods in nephrology.Nephrotic syndrome. Differential diagnosis of proteinuria.Acute renal failure. Dialysis. Chronic renal failure. Kidney transplantation. Tubulointerstitial nephropathy. Nephrolithiasis.Glomerular diseases. Glomerulonephritis.Investigation methods in rheumatology, Rheumatoid arthritis. Spondylarthropaties. Metabolic (crystal) induced arthropaties. Vasculitis . Systemic connective tissue diseases - SLE, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis. Sjogren syndrome. Immunity, autoimmunity. Imunodeficiency endash; hereditary and acquired. Allergy. Metabolic bone diseases. Fluid and electrolyte disorders.
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
Fever and subfebrility. Focal infection and sepsis. Disorders of the electrolyte metabolism. Treatment with glucocorticoids. Anemias, Leukemia, Myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative diseases. Platelet disorders. Hemophilia and other coagulation disorders. Rheumatoid arthritis. Systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases. Chest pain, differential diagnosis. Acute cardiology. Shock and syncope. Acute states in gastroenterology and hepatology. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Acute states in endocrinology. Principles of using ATB, corticoid treatment, contraindications and other higher effects. Acute pneumology.
Psychology in Medicine
Psychology is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. It is significant to research human behaviour and how people interact with their environment, as well as how they develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A rising number of people have been both physically and mentally harmed in recent years as a result of cognitive, emotional, or behavioural disorders. It was determined that a study book on psychology for medical students was required.
Ružičková, Dragašek: Psychology in Medicine, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, ŠafárikPress, Košice 2023, ISBN 978-80-574-0223-7.
Simulátory v medicíne 1
Podklady k cvičeniam z predmetu Simulátory v medicíne 1, ktorého cieľom je vysvetlenie podstaty medicínskych simulácií a porozumenie princípov ich využitia vo výučbe. Jednotlivé cvičenia poskytujú prehľad o funkciách a moduloch vybraných simulačných nástrojov, pričom účastníci zvládnu prácu s týmito simulátormi a nadobudnú schopnosti ich samostatne používať.
Výučbový materiál vznikol v rámci riešenia projektu národnej grantovej agentúry KEGA 003UPJŠ-4/2023 "Inovácia výučbového procesu v lekárskych a nelekárskych študijných programoch s využitím medicínskych simulačných nástrojov a virtuálnej reality".
Psychology in somatic medicine
The lecture explains how psychosomatic symptoms in patients develop, which psychosocial risk factors cause existence of psychosomatic problems, what is the role of psychological interventions in treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, the most often occured disorders in population such as coronary heart disease, cancer and psychoneuroimunology issues are discussed in association wih psychological factors which may cause their incidence, influence their progression or play important role in treatment.
Surgery 5 for Dental Medicine
Lectures are devoted to students of the fifth year of study - Dental medicine. The lectures include the topics: thoracic surgery; orthopedy; emergency situations in abdominal diseases; surgery of infection, oncosurgery; trauma surgery; neurosurgery; surgery of stomack; small intestinum and large intestinum; hepatobilliary surgery; surgery of the breast, endocrine diseases in surgery; cardiovascular surgery.
Surgery 2 for General Medicine
Lectures are intended for students of general medicine as supplementary education material of Surgery 2. The lectures include: Surgery of the neck, thyroid gland and parathyroid gland; Surgery of the thoracic wall; Surgery of the breast; Surgery of the mediastinum, esophagus and diaphragm and many other related topics.
Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine
Lectures are devoted to students of the third year of study - Dental medicine. The lectures include the topics : Introduction to Surgery-propedeutic study; History development of surgery; Basic principles of clinical examination; Priciples of antisepsis and asepsis; Desinfection and sterilisation in surgical ward and in all health care facilities; Basis methods of anasthesia; Types of anaesthesia (anaesthesia, premedication, general anaesthesia, endotracheal anaesthesia); Principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Operative wound healing; Type of wounds; Primary and secondary wound healing; Operative wound complications; Infections in surgery, causes , clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment.
Surgery 3 for Dental Medicine
Lectures are intended for students of dental medicine as supplementary education material of Surgery 3. The lectures include: Head and neck surgery. Soft tissue inflammation. Cysts and fistula of the neck; Surgery of the thyroid gland, goiter – toxic and nontoxic, malignancy of the thyroid gland; Surgery of the thoracic wall, lung, pleura, esophagus and mediastinum; Hernia. Surgery of the stomach and duodenum.
General medicine - lectures
In the medical profession, a general practitioner (GP) is a medical doctor who treats acute and chronic illnesses. Provides preventie care and health education to patients. A general practitioner manages types of illness that present in an undifferentiated way at an early stage of development, which may require urgent intervention. The holistic approach of general practice aims to take into consideration the biological, psychological, and social factors relevant to the care of each patient's illness.
Headache for dental medicine
Presented teaching material: PPT lecture on Headaches. The lecture is focused on classification of headaches, definition and clinical diagnostic criteria for individual types of headaches, differential diagnosis of headaches and treatment or therapeutic options for the treatment of individual types of headaches. Special attention is focused on migraine.
Anatomy 2 for students of Dental Medicine
These presentations included here represent a series of the second group of lectures for students of Dental Medicine in the first year of study. Lectures are dedicated to understand the regional anatomy of head and neck, including the skull, cervical vertebrae and their connections, as well as parts of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The muscles, vessels, and nerves of the head and neck are described, as well as the topographical anatomy of the structures of the head and neck. Sensory organs, endocrine system, and skin are also presented here.
Anatomy 2 for students of General Medicine
Lectures are devoted to students of the 1st year of study - General medicine. The students can find here all lectures for summer term retroperitoneal space, urinary system, reproductive systems and pelvis, then anatomy of head and neck including central nervous system. The last lectures are about sensory organs and endocrine system.
Anatomy 1 for students of General Medicine
Lectures are devoted to students of the 1st year of study - General medicine. The students can find here all lectures of upper limb (skeleton, joints, muscles, arteries, veins, lymphatic drainage and regional anatomy, lower limb (skeleton, joints, muscles, arteries, veins, lymphatic drainage and regional anatomy), thorax (thoracic wall, mediastinum, heart), abdomen (abdominal wall, peritoneum) and respiratory and digestive systems.
Anatomy 1 for students of Dental Medicine
The presentations included here represent a series of lectures for students of Dental Medicine in the first year of study. Individual lectures correlate with recent curriculum of the course and have to be used especially as auxiliary education material specifying basic structures of all presented topics.
Medical Biophysics for General Medicine
The lecture notes from the subject Medical Biophysics provide the students of General Medicine with the supporting information on lectured topics. A lecture series is dedicated to fundamental physical background of processes in human body on molecular, atomic and subatomic level. The main focus is directed towards the physical principles of diagnostic and therapeutic leading-edge medical technology units, as well as towards biophysical effects in human body after application of biophysical techniques, encountered side effects and safe, efficient usage of medical devices in practice. The subjects of molecular biophysics, membrane biophysics, and bioenergetics, respectively, are included here as well.
Vyšetrovacie metódy v internej medicíne
Učebnica Vyšetrovacie metódy v internej medicíne je výstupom spoločného projektu autorov. Má byť primárne určená pre študentov lekárskych fakúlt, ktorí by ju mali využiť najmä na prípravu na skúšku z internej propedeutiky, ale aj na prípravu na štátnu záverečnú skúšku z internej medicíny. Učebnica takisto môže poslúžiť aj lekárom, ktorí sú zaradení do špecializačného štúdia pri príprave na skúšku z internistického kmeňa, ako aj na špecializačnú skúšku z vnútorného lekárstva. Pripravovaná publikácia je súhrnom najnovších a všetkých používaných laboratórnych ako aj zobrazovacích metód v jednotlivých pododboroch internej medicíny. Získané vedomosti by študenti mali využiť nielen počas štúdia na lekárskej fakulte, ale aj neskôr, v ich lekárskej praxi.
Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine
The lecture notes from the subject Medical Biophysics provide the students of Dental Medicine with the supporting information on lectured topics, which are dealing with the fundamental physical processes in human body on molecular, atomic and subatomic level. The main focus of the present lecture series set on the physical principles of diagnostic and therapeutic leading-edge medical technology units, as well as on the biophysical effects in human body after application of biophysical techniques. Side effects and safe, efficient usage of medical devices in practice is also described. The subjects of molecular biophysics, membrane biophysics, and bioenergetics are included here as well.
Pharmacology 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
Materials for lectures from the subject Pharmacology 1 are intended for students of the 3rd year of the study program Dental Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Neurology - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
Lectures from the subject Neurology are intended for students of the study program Dental Medicine. In individual audiovisual recordings, students will be explained topics according to the curriculum of the subject, while they include e.g. cranial nerves, sensitivity, central and peripheral paralysis, cortical syndromes, speech and its disorders, symbolic functions and more.
Histology and Embryology 1 for students of Dental Medicine
Lectures are devoted to the students of the 1st study year in the field of Dental medicine. Students can find here the supporting material in the form of lecture notes from Histology and Embryology 1. According to the syllabus of lectures for winter semester these topics are included: Cytology, Epithelial tissue, Connective tissues, Muscle tissue, Nerve tissue and Embryology (1.-8. week of development).
Neurology 1 - lectures for students of general medicine
Materials for lectures from the subject Neurology 1 are intended for students of general medicine and present individual topics according to the curriculum of this clinical subject. The presented materials from the lectures are intended to serve as auxiliary study material for the students in the areas that need to be mastered in order to understand the basic principles applied in neurology.
Komunikácia v medicíne, vzťah lekár - pacient.
V prednáške sa študent oboznamuje s hlavnými faktormi, ktoré zlepšujú interakciu lekár - pacient, aké sú v klinickom rozhovore rozhodujúce verbálne a neverbálne zručnosti, ďalej, ako efektívne komunikovať s pacientmi s rôznymi ťažkosťami - hendikepovanými (pohybovo, zmyslovo, mentálne a rečovo). Vysvetlené sú zásady a najčastejšie chyby v klinickom rozhovore a získavaní dôvery pacienta.
Pharmacology 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Lectures from the subject of Pharmacology 2 are intended for students of the fourth year of the study program General Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary study material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Pharmacology 1 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Lectures from the subject of Pharmacology 1 are intended for students of the third year of the study program General Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary study material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Motor disorders - for students of Dental Medicine
The presentation was used during a lecture for students of Dental Medicine from the subject Pathological Physiology. It introduces basic physiological and pathophysiological terms and deals with an overview of motor disorders at different levels of the nervous system and muscles, including examples.
Histology and Embryology 2 for students of Dental Medicine
Lectures are devoted to the students of the 1st study year in the field of Dental medicine. Students can find here the supporting material in the form of lecture notes from Histology and Embryology 2. The slides offered here describe particular topics according to the syllabus they have to pass during summer term.
Emócie v medicíne, komunikácia s náročnými pacientami
Prednáška obsahuje základné poznatky o emóciách, teóriách emócií, ich vplyvu na zdravie človeka. Opísané sú postupy zvládania negatívnych emócií, ako sú bolesť, úzkosť, depresia, agresia, ponúka spôsoby, ako komunikovať s pacientmi trpiacimi bolesťou, úzkosťami, depresiou a suicidálnym jednaním, či s agresívnymi paientmi pri klinickom vyšetrení.
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for Dental Medicine students
Medical Biochemistry has an irreplaceable role in study of Dental Medicine. The students should learn about biochemical reactions taking place in the human body. The knowledge will help them better understand processes take place in the mouth. In firsts semester is study concentrated to metabolic processes connected with metabolism of nutrients (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to study metabolism of organs (e.g. liver, kidney), hard tissue and to oral biochemistry and pathobiochemistry (e.g. dental plaque, tooth decay and tartar).
Medical chemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
The subject Medical Chemistry includes selected chapters from general, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry. Teaching focuses mainly on bioorganic chemistry, which is a static part and an introduction to the study of medical biochemistry. Knowledge of the structure and function of chemical substances and compounds, as well as their interaction and factors which can influence these interactions is very important for students of General Medicine. Medical Chemistry represent the basis especially for the study of Medical Biochemistry, Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry.
Clinical anatomy - lectures for students of General Medicine
Lectures are devoted to students of elective course Clinical anatomy in the 3rd, 4th and 5th year of study. These are lectures led by clinicians, with an emphasis on the investigative methods of the specialized area (ultrasound,...). Specifically, they are divided into lectures from the upper limb, lower limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and from the head and neck.
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
Medical Biochemistry has an irreplaceable role in study of General Medicine. The students should learn about biochemical reactions in all living systems, especially in the human body. The knowledge will help them later to diagnose and treat many diseases correctly. In firsts semester is study concentrated to metabolic processes connected with metabolism of nutrients (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to study metabolism of organs (e.g. liver, kidney, muscles, hard tissue, skin), chemical communications and introduction to Clinical Biochemistry.
Histology and Embryology 1 - Lectures for General Medicine students
Lectures are devoted to the students of the 1st semester of Histology and embryology 1: Cytology and microscopic structure of tissues for General Medicine students. Students can find here a supporting material for self-study according to lectures. Lectures contain microscopic pictures and schemes as a support to recommended study literature: Junqueira - Basic Histology, Adamkov - Functional Histology.
CLEVER Emergency Medicine Virtual Patients Cases
Virtual scenarios for emergency medicine are developed and improved within projects’ activities of the authors and their primary aim is to foster development of critical thinking in students of medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based learning approach that is learning style close to the needs of practice. Furthermore, we expect their better preparation for bedside teaching.
Are the virtual patient cases useful for you? Would you also require virtual patients from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.
Histology and Embryology 2 - lectures for General Medicine students
Lectures for General Medicine students include microscopic structure of selected organs and introduction to early embryonic development and oraganogenesis according to syllabus for second semester as well as final examination questions. The content of lectutes includes: cardiovascular system, lymhatic system, digestive and respiratory systems, urogenital systems, endocrine and nerve system, sensory organs.
Pathophysiology I - selected lectures for General medicine and Dentistry
The target website contains lecture files for students of general and dental medicine from the subject Pathological Physiology I (etiology, pathogenesis...). Genetics, Nutrition and obesity, Disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism, Disseminated intravacular coagulation, Tumors, Shock, Hypoxia, Clinical immunology, Acute Inflammation, Chronic inflammation, Consciousness, Stress, Cellcycle, Apoptosis and Necrosis, Cell Signalling, Inflammation mollecular events, Tumors, Genetic manipulations, Gene therapy CRISPR revolution, Oxidative stress...
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry for students of General Medicine
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry is a set of experimental exercises designed for a better understanding of the subject. Laboratory manuals for the practical exercises are arranged into weeks according to the syllabus (WT) and contain theoretical introduction as well as experimental procedures for each exercise. Published material represents an effective instrument for understanding of the basic principles of Medical Chemistry.
Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry”. Authors: Stupák M., Rabajdová M., Mašlanková J., Urban P., Tomečková V., Mareková M.
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 2 for students of General Medicine
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 2 are developed for foreign students of General Medicine and are arranged into weeks according to the study plan. Individual topics include abdominal wall, organs of abdomen and pelvis, peritoneum, pelvic floor, skull, muscles of head and neck, vessels and nerves of head and neck, and neuroanatomy.
Doctor - Patient Communication (Lecture for General Medicine Students)
This lecture focuses on verbal and non-verbal communication in medical settings, doctors´ and patients`s behaviors that contribute to faulty communication, adherence to treatment, difficult interviews with angry, anxious, distressed patients, and how to give bad news. At the end, questions and suggestions on training the communication skills, and improving doctor - patient communication are discussed.
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 1 for students of General Medicine
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 1 are developed for foreign students of General Medicine and are arranged into weeks according to the study plan. In individual topics, students will find the most important information needed to master the practical part of the anatomy of the upper and lower limbs, thoracic wall and thoracic organs, abdominal wall and abdominal organs.
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of General Medicine
The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are arranged into weeks in winter term (WT) and summer term (ST), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (WT, ST). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results and making of diagnoses.
Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from biochemistry”. Authors: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M., Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of Dental Medicine
The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are gathered into bigger groups by topics. Exercises are arranged into weeks, in summer term (ST) and winter term (WT), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (ST, WT). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results.
First published: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M.: Practical exercises from biochemistry, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for Dental Medicine students
Lectures containing actual knowledge from Medcial psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to dental medicine students of the 2nd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of oral habits, stress and coping strategies, or psychology of emotions and cognition.
Medical Chemistry – “hand book” for students of General and Dental Medicine
This publication is intended mainly for students of medicine studying at the UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine. The textbook covers the basic knowledge of selected topics of general, physical, inorganic, organic and bioorganic chemistry required for successful completion of the course of Medical Chemistry. Knowledge of the structures and functions of chemical substances and compounds, as well as their interactions and factors of surroundings influencing those interactions is very important for next study medical biochemistry incoming physicians. For better and easier understanding is the text appropriately supplemented with figures, tables, and numerous of chemical schemes. The separate part of this publication presents the chemistry of the most important dental materials used in clinical practise of future dentists, including the properties of metals, polymers and impression materials.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students
Lectures containing actual knowledge from medical psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to the general medicine students of the 3rd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of habits, stress and coping strategies, psychosomatic medicine, or psychology of emotions.
Liekové formy a aplikačné cesty podávania liekov so zameraním na ich význam v humánnej medicíne
Učebnica je doplnkovým textom k základným učebniciam farmakológie a je určená pre pregraduálnych a postgraduálnych študentov všeobecného lekárstva a iných zdravotníckych odborov s dôrazom na novšie poznatky o liekových formách a aplikačných cestách podávania liekov využívaných v humánnej medicíne.
Čižmáriková M. a Takáč P.: Liekové formy a aplikačné cesty podávania liekov so zameraním na ich význam v humánnej medicíne, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, ŠafárikPress, Košice 2019, ISBN 978-80-8152-753-1.
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 2 (skull, muscles, vessels, nerves of head and neck, central nervous system) for students of General Medicine
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 3 are developed for foreign students of General Medicine and are arranged into the teaching weeks according to the study plan. Individual topics include skull, muscles of head and neck, cranial nerves, cervical plexus, regional anatomy of head and neck and neuroanatomy.
Introduction to (bio)statistics
.. simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine.. .. simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine..
.. simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. offered here should help students of General Medicine, who selected an elective course Biostatistics,.. .. simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based.. .. of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine..
Medical Informatics
.. data, information and knowledge from the area of medicine and health care are systematically processed... .. KB
faculty member
Evidence Based Medicine - principle
582.2.. .. KB
faculty member
Evidence Based Medicine - principle
582.2 KB
faculty.. .. KB
faculty member
Evidence Based Medicine - principle
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Serologic reactions
.. of infectious diseases is primarily based on the evidence of specific antibodies against them. The.. .. reactions based on the reaction between antigen and antibody can..
Disorders of mood, drives and intelligence
.. that deviate from social norms. It is based on a number of constructs that are considered..
Arterial hypertension
.. modified BP assessment, BP standards that are based on sex, age, and height provide a precise..
Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development
.. is intended to the students of Dental medicine and General medicine as an introduction to.. .. introduce the branch of medicine that covers the childhood..
Differential diagnosis of hepatospenomegaly
.. for students of fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of fourth year of dental medicine... .. for students of fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of fourth year of dental medicine...
Terms of use
.. Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine are protected by copyright. No content of this.. .. Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine is protected by copyright, and as such..
Selected lectures from Urology
.. Urology are devoted to the students of General medicine in the fifth and sixth study years. The students.. .. notes from Urology for students of General medicine..