doc. Mgr. Peter Urban, peter.urban(at)

Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of Dental Medicine

Author: Peter Urban, Vladimíra Tomečková, Jana Mašlanková, Marek Stupák, Mária Mareková

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The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are gathered into bigger groups by topics. Exercises are arranged into weeks, in summer term (ST) and winter term (WT), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (ST, WT). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results.

First published: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M.: Practical exercises from biochemistry, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.

Chemistry - Repetitorium

Author: Peter Urban, Lukáš Smolko, Jana Mašlanková, Anna Birková, Beáta Čižmárová, Beáta Hubková, Marek Stupák, Mária Mareková

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Knowledge of the structure and function of chemical substances and compounds, as well as their interactions and factors which can influence these interactions are very important for study Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry. The supporting materials is based on the secondary school curriculum of chemistry, and represent the summarization of knowledge’s from high school, extended by new knowledge necessary especially for the subsequent study of medical biochemistry. The repetitorium is divided into several chapters and represents a summary of knowledge focused mainly on bioorganic chemistry, including structures, nomenclature and typical reactions.