Jana Mašlanková

Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of General Medicine

Author: Jana Mašlanková, Peter Urban, Vladimíra Tomečková, Marek Stupák, Miroslava Rabajdová, Mária Mareková, Anna Birková

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The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are arranged into weeks in winter term (WT) and summer term (ST), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (WT, ST). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results and making of diagnoses.

Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from biochemistry”. Authors: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M., Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.