These presentations included here represent a series of the second group of lectures for students of Dental Medicine in the first year of study. Lectures are dedicated to understand the regional anatomy of head and neck, including the skull, cervical vertebrae and their connections, as well as parts of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The muscles, vessels, and nerves of the head and neck are described, as well as the topographical anatomy of the structures of the head and neck. Sensory organs, endocrine system, and skin are also presented here.
Lectures from Anatomy 2 for students of Dental Medicine include:
1. Skull in general. Splanchnocranium.
2. Neurocranium.
3. Cervical vertebrae. Connections of skull and cervical vertebrae. Skull cavities.
4. Muscles of head and neck. Arteries of head and neck. Venous and lymphatic drainage of head and neck.
5. Nuclei of cranial nerves. Nerve pathways (except of visual, auditory, and vestibular).
6. Innervation of head and neck in general. CN V, VII.
7. CN IX - XII. Cervical plexus.
8. Autonomic nervous system in general. ANS of head and neck.
9. Vessels and nerves of oral and nasal cavities.
10. Topographical anatomy of head.
11. Topographical anatomy of neck.
12. Eye. CN II, III, IV, VI, visual pathway. Ear. CN VIII, auditory and vestibular pathways.
13. Endocrine system. Skin.
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Keywords: Skull, cervical vertebrae and their connections, CNS, PNS, muscles, vessels, and a nerves of head and neck, topography of head and neck, sensory organs, endocrine system, skin
citation: Květuše Lovásová, Adriana Boleková, Dalibor Kolesár: Anatomy 2 for students of Dental Medicine. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine [online] , [cit. 11. 02. 2025]. Available from WWW: https://portal.lf.upjs.sk/articles.php?aid=234. ISSN 1337-7000.