Surgery 2 for General Medicine

Lectures are intended for students of general medicine as supplementary education material of Surgery 2. The lectures include: Surgery of the neck, thyroid gland and parathyroid gland; Surgery of the thoracic wall; Surgery of the breast; Surgery of the mediastinum, esophagus and diaphragm and many other related topics.
Surgical Propedeutics

Lectures are intended for students of general medicine as supplementary education material of Surgical Propedeutics. The lectures include: Introduction to Surgery – propedeutic study, History development of surgery, Patient history and symptoms of surgical diseases and its value for establishment of proper diagnosis, Basic principles of clinical examination and many other related topics.
Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine

Lectures are devoted to students of the third year of study - Dental medicine. The lectures include the topics : Introduction to Surgery-propedeutic study; History development of surgery; Basic principles of clinical examination; Priciples of antisepsis and asepsis; Desinfection and sterilisation in surgical ward and in all health care facilities; Basis methods of anasthesia; Types of anaesthesia (anaesthesia, premedication, general anaesthesia, endotracheal anaesthesia); Principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Operative wound healing; Type of wounds; Primary and secondary wound healing; Operative wound complications; Infections in surgery, causes , clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment.
Surgery 3 for Dental Medicine

Lectures are intended for students of dental medicine as supplementary education material of Surgery 3. The lectures include: Head and neck surgery. Soft tissue inflammation. Cysts and fistula of the neck; Surgery of the thyroid gland, goiter – toxic and nontoxic, malignancy of the thyroid gland; Surgery of the thoracic wall, lung, pleura, esophagus and mediastinum; Hernia. Surgery of the stomach and duodenum.
Lectures from Surgery 6

Lectures for students of general medicine as supplementary education material specifying basic surgical topics in the study subject Surgery 6. The lectures include those topics: Burns; Orthopedy; Urology; Oncosurgery; Pediatric Surgery; Vessel and heart Surgery; Resuscitation and intensive care; Acute Abdomen; Chest and mediastinum Surgery; Transport Principles of patients and injured under shock, unconsciousness and with a spine injury; Neurosurgery.
Surgery 5 for Dental Medicine

Lectures are devoted to students of the fifth year of study - Dental medicine. The lectures include the topics: thoracic surgery; orthopedy; emergency situations in abdominal diseases; surgery of infection, oncosurgery; trauma surgery; neurosurgery; surgery of stomack; small intestinum and large intestinum; hepatobilliary surgery; surgery of the breast, endocrine diseases in surgery; cardiovascular surgery.