Materials for Lectures

Histology and Embryology 2 for students of Dental Medicine

Author: Iveta Domoráková, Eva Mechírová, Štefan Tóth, Zuzana Fagová, Alexandra Kunová, Kristína Čurgali

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Lectures are devoted to the students of the 1st study year in the field of Dental medicine. Students can find here the supporting material in the form of lecture notes from Histology and Embryology 2. The slides offered here describe particular topics according to the syllabus they have to pass during summer term.

Histology and Embryology 1 - Lectures for General Medicine students

Author: Štefan Tóth, Eva Mechírová, Iveta Domoráková, Kristína Čurgali

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Lectures are devoted to the students of the 1st semester of Histology and embryology 1: Cytology and microscopic structure of tissues for General Medicine students. Students can find here a supporting material for self-study according to lectures. Lectures contain microscopic pictures and schemes as a support to recommended study literature: Junqueira - Basic Histology, Adamkov - Functional Histology.

Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine

Author: Imrich Géci, and co-authors

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The lecture notes from the subject Medical Biophysics provide the students of Dental Medicine with the supporting information on lectured topics, which are dealing with the fundamental physical processes in human body on molecular, atomic and subatomic level. The main focus of the present lecture series set on the physical principles of diagnostic and therapeutic leading-edge medical technology units, as well as on the biophysical effects in human body after application of biophysical techniques. Side effects and safe, efficient usage of medical devices in practice is also described. The subjects of molecular biophysics, membrane biophysics, and bioenergetics are included here as well.

Medical Biophysics for General Medicine

Author: Imrich Géci, and co-authors

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The lecture notes from the subject Medical Biophysics provide the students of General Medicine with the supporting information on lectured topics. A lecture series is dedicated to fundamental physical background of processes in human body on molecular, atomic and subatomic level. The main focus is directed towards the physical principles of diagnostic and therapeutic leading-edge medical technology units, as well as towards biophysical effects in human body after application of biophysical techniques, encountered side effects and safe, efficient usage of medical devices in practice. The subjects of molecular biophysics, membrane biophysics, and bioenergetics, respectively, are included here as well.

Pharmacology 1 - lectures for students of General Medicine

Author: Ján Mojžiš, Ladislav Mirossay

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Lectures from the subject of Pharmacology 1 are intended for students of the third year of the study program General Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary study material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.

Pharmacology 2 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

Author: Ján Mojžiš, Ladislav Mirossay

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Materials for lectures from the subject Pharmacology 2 are intended for students of the 3rd year of the study program Dental Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.

Dementia, organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders; mental retardation; neurodevelopmental disorders

Author: Zuzana Vančová

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The lecture describes mild cognitive impairment and specific types of dementia, with focus on Alzheimer´s dementia, Lewy body dementia, dementia in patients with Parkinson disease, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Students can find here informations regarding organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders, especially delirium, organic hallucinosis and depression induced by somatic illness. In the last part of lecture are informations abou stages of mental retardation; the very last part of lecture is dedicatde to specific neurodevelopmental disorders.

Emergency psychiatry, psychiatric symptoms in somatic diseases

Author: Zuzana Vančová

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We are going to talk about acute psychotic states, acute intoxications, withdrawal syndromes, acute mania, depression with suicidal thoughts, qualitative disorders of conscioussness, acute anxiety, affective reactions in personality disorders, acute adverse side effects caused by medication: serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant sy, acute dystonia, akathizia.

Substance related disorders, Eating disorders, Disorders of sleep, suicidality, stigma in psychiatry

Author: Dominika Jarčušková

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Substance-induced disorders include medical conditions that can be directly attributed to the use of a substance. These conditions include intoxication, withdrawal, substance-induced delirium, substance-induced psychosis, and substance-induced mood disorders. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder. 

General psychopathology - disorders of will, acting, instincts and personality

Author: Jozef Dragašek

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The lecture is a teaching material for the course Psychiatry 1, it is intended for fourth year General Medicine and Dental Medicine students. It describes the basics of general - descriptive psychopathology with a focus on disorders of will, action, drives and personality disorders. General - descriptive psychopathology is the in-depth description, categorization, and diagnosis of abnormal experiences as reported by the patient and as manifested in their behavior. It uses phenomenological analysis to confirm the universality of the events experienced.