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Author: Marek Stupák, Katarína Dubayová, Beáta Hubková, Jana Mašlanková, Lukáš Smolko
The subject Chemistry of Dental Materials includes selected chapters from general, inorganic, and physical chemistry. Teaching focuses mainly on introduction to the study of the chemical properties of materials routinely used in dentistry. The lectures are focused on selected parts of the study of metals, including noble metals and their alloys. Furthermore, attention is focused on ceramic materials, on dental cements, as well as on polymerization and substances resulting from polymerization and used in dentistry for both restorative and prosthetic purposes. Information about dental materials, auxiliary dental materials, as well as the importance of polymerization in dentistry is crucial for future dentists.
Author: Jana Kaťuchová, Tomáš Hildebrand, Marek Šoltés, Róbert Kilík, Lucia Sukovská Lakyová, Marián Kudláč, Róbert Šimon
Lectures are intended for students of general medicine as supplementary education material of Surgery 2. The lectures include: Surgery of the neck, thyroid gland and parathyroid gland; Surgery of the thoracic wall; Surgery of the breast; Surgery of the mediastinum, esophagus and diaphragm and many other related topics.
Author: Štefan Tóth, Iveta Domoráková, Eva Mechírová
Lectures for General Medicine students include microscopic structure of selected organs and introduction to early embryonic development and oraganogenesis according to syllabus for second semester as well as final examination questions. The content of lectutes includes: cardiovascular system, lymhatic system, digestive and respiratory systems, urogenital systems, endocrine and nerve system, sensory organs.
Author: Jana Kaťuchová, Tomáš Hildebrand, Marek Šoltés, Róbert Kilík, Tomáš Gajdzik, Lucia Sukovská Lakyová
Lectures are intended for students of general medicine as supplementary education material of Surgical Propedeutics. The lectures include: Introduction to Surgery – propedeutic study, History development of surgery, Patient history and symptoms of surgical diseases and its value for establishment of proper diagnosis, Basic principles of clinical examination and many other related topics.
Author: Ján Mojžiš, Ladislav Mirossay
Lectures from the subject of Pharmacology 2 are intended for students of the fourth year of the study program General Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary study material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Author: Zuzana Gdovinová, Matej Škorvánek
Materials for lectures from the subject Neurology 1 are intended for students of general medicine and present individual topics according to the curriculum of this clinical subject. The presented materials from the lectures are intended to serve as auxiliary study material for the students in the areas that need to be mastered in order to understand the basic principles applied in neurology.
Materials for lectures from the subject Pharmacology 1 are intended for students of the 3rd year of the study program Dental Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Author: Zbynek Schroner
Toxicology I - diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in acute and chronic poisonings, mushroons, drugs, toxicomania.Toxicology II - poisoning by organic compounds (ethanol and methanol, chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates) and inorganic compounds (heavy metals, CO). Professional diseases of the respiratory system -pneumoconiosis, professional asthma, professional rhinitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Damage to the body from physical causes - vibration, prolonged excessive unilateral load, noise, electromagnetic radiation. Geriatrics - the most common diseases in the elderly, specifics of treatment, preoperative preparation of elderly patients. Geriatric cardiology and cardiac geriatrics.Clinical geriatrics.
Author: Beáta Hubková, Jana Mašlanková, Lukáš Smolko, Marek Stupák
Practical exercises from Chemistry of Dental Materials is a set of experimental exercises designed for a better understanding of the subject. Practical experimental tasks enable students to become familiar with the basic chemical calculation and with chemical properties of materials commonly used in dentistry. They contribute to a better understanding of the properties of e.g., hydroxyapatite, metal corrosion and other properties of elements contained in dental materials. Separate attention is paid to dental plaster – its preparation and properties. Laboratory manuals for the practical exercises are arranged into weeks according to the syllabus and contain theoretical introduction as well as experimental procedures for each exercise.
Author: Zuzana Vančová
The lecture describes mild cognitive impairment and specific types of dementia, with focus on Alzheimer´s dementia, Lewy body dementia, dementia in patients with Parkinson disease, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Students can find here informations regarding organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders, especially delirium, organic hallucinosis and depression induced by somatic illness. In the last part of lecture are informations abou stages of mental retardation; the very last part of lecture is dedicatde to specific neurodevelopmental disorders.
Author: Štefan Tóth, Zuzana Fagová, Kristína Čurgali, Alexandra Kunová, Monika Holodová, Katarína Hajovská
Lectures are devoted to the students of the 1st study year in the field of Dental medicine. Students can find here the supporting material in the form of lecture notes from Histology and Embryology 1. According to the syllabus of lectures for winter semester these topics are included: Cytology, Epithelial tissue, Connective tissues, Muscle tissue, Nerve tissue and Embryology (1.-8. week of development).
We are going to talk about acute psychotic states, acute intoxications, withdrawal syndromes, acute mania, depression with suicidal thoughts, qualitative disorders of conscioussness, acute anxiety, affective reactions in personality disorders, acute adverse side effects caused by medication: serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant sy, acute dystonia, akathizia.