Neurology 1 - lectures for students of general medicine

Materials for lectures from the subject Neurology 1 are intended for students of general medicine and present individual topics according to the curriculum of this clinical subject. The presented materials from the lectures are intended to serve as auxiliary study material for the students in the areas that need to be mastered in order to understand the basic principles applied in neurology.

The authors present the outline of lectures for the subject Neurology 1.

Cranial nerves – the lecture contains introductory information for students of the Neurology I subject and discusses the basics of neurological examination, neurological anamnesis and, in the second part, the anatomy and physiology of the cranial nerves. The lecture further focused on individual pathological symptoms and symptoms resulting from disorders of individual cranial nerves and on the possibility of clinical examinations of functions or cranial nerve function disorders.

Cortical syndromes – the lecture discusses the basic cortical functions of individual brain lobes. It focuses on the basic functions and pathological symptoms that are the result of a destructive or irritating lesion in individual cortical areas of the brain. It discusses the manifestations of frontal, prefrontal, parietal, occipital and temporal syndromes.

Attachment   Date Size Availability [?] Clinically sensitive [?] Licence
 Cranial nerves 15.10.2024 7.79 MB faculty member Creative Commons License
 Cortical syndromes 15.10.2024 2.55 MB faculty member Creative Commons License


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