Differential diagnosis of hepatosplenomegaly is presentation devoted for students of fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of fourth year of dental medicine. Presentation describes single nosological units, describes mechanism of the development of hepato and splenomegaly, diagnostic approach and differential diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis of hepatosplenomegaly is presentation devoted for students of fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of fourth year of dental medicine. Presentation describes single nosological units, describes mechanism of the development of hepato and splenomegaly, diagnostic approach and differential diagnosis.
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Differential diagnosis of hepatospenomegaly | 22.3.2017 | 1.4 MB | registered user | – |
- Paediatrics 1 [KDaD/PE-GM1/15]
- Paediatrics 2 [KDaD/PE-GM2/12]
- Paediatrics 3 [KDaD/PE-GM3/16]
- Paediatrics Dentistry [PaD-DM2]
Contribution content is subject to licence Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Neužívejte dílo komerčně-Nezasahujte do díla Attribution 3.0 Czech Republic
Keywords: hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, differential diagnosis, children, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, differential diagnosis, children
citation: Katarína Gombošová: Differential diagnosis of hepatospenomegaly. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine [online] , [cit. 24. 01. 2025]. Available from WWW: https://portal.lf.upjs.sk/articles.php?aid=263. ISSN 1337-7000.