The lecture explains how psychosomatic symptoms in patients develop, which psychosocial risk factors cause existence of psychosomatic problems, what is the role of psychological interventions in treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, the most often occured disorders in population such as coronary heart disease, cancer and psychoneuroimunology issues are discussed in association wih psychological factors which may cause their incidence, influence their progression or play important role in treatment.
Author presents problems of psychology in somatic medicine.
Attachment | Date | Size | Availability [?] | Clinically sensitive [?] | Licence | |
Psychology in somatic medicine | 11.5.2020 | 218.18 KB | faculty member | – |
Related contributions:
- Psychotherapy
- Psychosomatická medicína (psychologická problematika u pacientov s najčastejšími diagnózami)
- Psychological stress and coping
- Neuropsychology
Contribution content is subject to licence Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Neužívejte dílo komerčně-Nezasahujte do díla Attribution 3.0 Czech Republic
Keywords: psychology, somatic medicine
citation: Martina Ružičková: Psychology in somatic medicine. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine [online] , [cit. 10. 12. 2024]. Available from WWW: ISSN 1337-7000.