Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students
Lectures containing actual knowledge from medical psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to the general medicine students of the 3rd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of habits, stress and coping strategies, psychosomatic medicine, or psychology of emotions.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for Dental Medicine students
Lectures containing actual knowledge from Medcial psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to dental medicine students of the 2nd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of oral habits, stress and coping strategies, or psychology of emotions and cognition.
Psychology in Medicine
Psychology is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. It is significant to research human behaviour and how people interact with their environment, as well as how they develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A rising number of people have been both physically and mentally harmed in recent years as a result of cognitive, emotional, or behavioural disorders. It was determined that a study book on psychology for medical students was required.
Ružičková, Dragašek: Psychology in Medicine, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, ŠafárikPress, Košice 2023, ISBN 978-80-574-0223-7.
Introduction to psychology
Lecture introduces into the field of psychology. It describes he basic approaches and its goals. The stress in on clinical psychology with description of its basic tasks – psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy used in medicine. Primary focus of clinical psychologists is the diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental and behavioural disorders. They are also dental patients, with whom a denstist has to communicate when treating them.
Psychology in somatic medicine
The lecture explains how psychosomatic symptoms in patients develop, which psychosocial risk factors cause existence of psychosomatic problems, what is the role of psychological interventions in treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, the most often occured disorders in population such as coronary heart disease, cancer and psychoneuroimunology issues are discussed in association wih psychological factors which may cause their incidence, influence their progression or play important role in treatment.
Medical Informatics
Medical informatics represents a science where the data, information and knowledge from the area of medicine and health care are systematically processed. Therefore, informatics itself is an essential part of medicine affecting health care system as well as education of its employees. Presentations here are intended to be used as introduction to the study of this area.
Medical Chemistry - Calculations
Proper administration of individual medications and reagents is of the upmost importance in the clinical practice of future doctors. It can be affected by age, body weight, kidney and liver health, and other health conditions. Subject Medical Chemistry is therefore an essential part of the theoretical education at medical faculties. The basics for the successful completion of the course are also basic chemistry calculations including solution preparation, stoichiometric calculations, pH calculations (including buffers) and spectrophotometric calculations. In addition to brief theoretical introductions, the material also contains a series of examples for practice, in order to help students in repeating and preparing for the exam from Medical Chemistry.
Symposium on New Era in Medical Education
During the spring of 2020, due to the advancing pandemic of COVID-19, there was a need to move teaching to the online environment in a short time. This need has affected all universities, including medical ones, where a large part of teaching takes place in the form of practical exercises and clinical practice. Here, the NEWMED team analysed the transition to online teaching at the participating institutions and produced a methodological manual for academics that provides information on appropriate teaching methods and tools. Join our multiplier event on 1 December 2022 in Kosice and hear, share and discuss topics that are changing the approach to education in medicine during and after the pandemic.
Symposium on New Era in Medical Education
Počas jari 2020, vzhľadom na postupujúcu pandémiu COVID-19, vznikla potreba v krátkom čase presunúť výučbu do online prostredia. Táto potreba sa dotkla všetkých vysokých škôl, vrátane lekárskych, kde veľká časť výučby prebieha formou praktických cvičení a klinickej praxe. Tím projektu NEWMED preto analyzoval prechod na online výučbu v zúčastnených inštitúciách a vytvoril metodickú príručku pre akademikov, ktorá poskytuje informácie o vhodných vyučovacích metódach a nástrojoch. Pridajte sa k nám počas nášho multiplikačného podujatia, ktoré sa uskutoční 1.12.2022 na Lekárskej fakulte v Košiciach a vypočujte si, zdieľajte a diskutujte o témach, ktoré menia prístup k vzdelávaniu v medicíne počas pandémie a po nej.
Medical Biophysics for General Medicine
The lecture notes from the subject Medical Biophysics provide the students of General Medicine with the supporting information on lectured topics. A lecture series is dedicated to fundamental physical background of processes in human body on molecular, atomic and subatomic level. The main focus is directed towards the physical principles of diagnostic and therapeutic leading-edge medical technology units, as well as towards biophysical effects in human body after application of biophysical techniques, encountered side effects and safe, efficient usage of medical devices in practice. The subjects of molecular biophysics, membrane biophysics, and bioenergetics, respectively, are included here as well.
Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine
The lecture notes from the subject Medical Biophysics provide the students of Dental Medicine with the supporting information on lectured topics, which are dealing with the fundamental physical processes in human body on molecular, atomic and subatomic level. The main focus of the present lecture series set on the physical principles of diagnostic and therapeutic leading-edge medical technology units, as well as on the biophysical effects in human body after application of biophysical techniques. Side effects and safe, efficient usage of medical devices in practice is also described. The subjects of molecular biophysics, membrane biophysics, and bioenergetics are included here as well.
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
Medical Biochemistry has an irreplaceable role in study of General Medicine. The students should learn about biochemical reactions in all living systems, especially in the human body. The knowledge will help them later to diagnose and treat many diseases correctly. In firsts semester is study concentrated to metabolic processes connected with metabolism of nutrients (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to study metabolism of organs (e.g. liver, kidney, muscles, hard tissue, skin), chemical communications and introduction to Clinical Biochemistry.
CLEVER Medical Semiology Virtual Patients Cases
Virtual scenarios for medical semiology are developed and improved within projects’ activities of the authors and their primary aim is to foster development of critical thinking in students of medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based learning approach that is learning style close to the needs of practice. Furthermore, we expect their better preparation for bedside teaching.
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Medical chemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
The subject Medical Chemistry includes selected chapters from general, inorganic, physical, organic chemistry. Teaching focuses mainly on bioorganic chemistry, which is a static part and an introduction to the study of medical biochemistry. Knowledge of the structure and function of chemical substances and compounds, as well as their interaction and factors which can influence these interactions is very important for students of General Medicine. Medical Chemistry represent the basis especially for the study of Medical Biochemistry, Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry.
Medical Biophysics for GM - Documentation for practical exercises
The integral part of the course Medical Biophysics for General Medicine besides the lectures is also the practical exercise which is closely associated with the lectured topics. The present contribution involves the documentation of practical exercises on Medical Biophysics for students of General Medicine. The first part includes the theoretical background to selected topics whereas the second part includes the empty reports for each topic.
Medical Biophysics for DM - Documentation for practical exercises
The topics of practical exercise on Medical biophysics are closely related to the course Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine students. The present contribution involves the theoretical documentation of selected topics as well as the empty reports for each topic. The order of reports follows the exercise plan.
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for Dental Medicine students
Medical Biochemistry has an irreplaceable role in study of Dental Medicine. The students should learn about biochemical reactions taking place in the human body. The knowledge will help them better understand processes take place in the mouth. In firsts semester is study concentrated to metabolic processes connected with metabolism of nutrients (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to study metabolism of organs (e.g. liver, kidney), hard tissue and to oral biochemistry and pathobiochemistry (e.g. dental plaque, tooth decay and tartar).
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of Dental Medicine
The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are gathered into bigger groups by topics. Exercises are arranged into weeks, in summer term (ST) and winter term (WT), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (ST, WT). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results.
First published: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M.: Practical exercises from biochemistry, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of General Medicine
The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are arranged into weeks in winter term (WT) and summer term (ST), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (WT, ST). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results and making of diagnoses.
Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from biochemistry”. Authors: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M., Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry for students of General Medicine
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry is a set of experimental exercises designed for a better understanding of the subject. Laboratory manuals for the practical exercises are arranged into weeks according to the syllabus (WT) and contain theoretical introduction as well as experimental procedures for each exercise. Published material represents an effective instrument for understanding of the basic principles of Medical Chemistry.
Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry”. Authors: Stupák M., Rabajdová M., Mašlanková J., Urban P., Tomečková V., Mareková M.
Medical Chemistry – “hand book” for students of General and Dental Medicine
This publication is intended mainly for students of medicine studying at the UPJŠ in Košice, Faculty of Medicine. The textbook covers the basic knowledge of selected topics of general, physical, inorganic, organic and bioorganic chemistry required for successful completion of the course of Medical Chemistry. Knowledge of the structures and functions of chemical substances and compounds, as well as their interactions and factors of surroundings influencing those interactions is very important for next study medical biochemistry incoming physicians. For better and easier understanding is the text appropriately supplemented with figures, tables, and numerous of chemical schemes. The separate part of this publication presents the chemistry of the most important dental materials used in clinical practise of future dentists, including the properties of metals, polymers and impression materials.
Psychological stress and coping
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Biology 1 and 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine and Dental Medicine
.. on Biology 1, Biology 2, Medical and Human Biology 1 and Medical and Human.. .. of the subjects Biology 1, Biology 2, Medical and Human Biology 1 and Medical and Human.. ..keywords: medical biology,.. ..keywords: medical biology,..
Conference MEFANET 2017
.. faculties of medicine, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical..
Conference MEFANET 2018
.. faculties of medicine, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical..
Conference MEFANET 2019
.. faculties of medicine, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical..
Evidence Based Medicine
.. search a wide range of international medical journals applying strict criteria for the.. .. and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of..
General medicine - lectures
.. the medical profession, a general..
Introduction to (bio)statistics
.. biological experiments, obtaining various medical data, and then organizing, summarizing,.. .. and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of..
CLEVER Vascular Surgery Virtual Patients Cases
.. development of critical thinking in students of medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient.. .. patient, Ionescu Tamara, presented to emergency medical unit with lower limb pain and numbness, with..
.. used to describe and to evaluate various sets of medical data. The theory offered here should help.. .. and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of..