Substance related disorders, Eating disorders, Disorders of sleep, suicidality, stigma in psychiatry
Substance-induced disorders include medical conditions that can be directly attributed to the use of a substance. These conditions include intoxication, withdrawal, substance-induced delirium, substance-induced psychosis, and substance-induced mood disorders. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder.
EEG, PSG and sleep disorders
Attached teaching material: PPT lecture on Electroencephalography (EEG), polysomnography (PSG) and sleep disorders. The aim of the lecture is to describe the basic principles of electroencephalography, the examination procedure, indications for EEG examination and basic interpretations of the EEG recording. The lecture also discusses the principle and indications and interpretation of the results of the polysomnographic examination. The last part of the lecture is devoted to sleep disorders - their classification, diagnosis (polysomnography, MSLT) and treatment.
Platelet disorders, Bleeding disorders, Leukemias
The topics of the following presentation are: platelet disorders, bleeding disorders and leukemias in pediatric population. It is focused on etiology, clasification, clinical course, diagnostic algorithm and treatment of the most common hemorrhagic and trombotic diseases in children. The presentation is devoted to students of the fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of the fourth year of dental medicine.
Dementia, organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders; mental retardation; neurodevelopmental disorders
The lecture describes mild cognitive impairment and specific types of dementia, with focus on Alzheimer´s dementia, Lewy body dementia, dementia in patients with Parkinson disease, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Students can find here informations regarding organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders, especially delirium, organic hallucinosis and depression induced by somatic illness. In the last part of lecture are informations abou stages of mental retardation; the very last part of lecture is dedicatde to specific neurodevelopmental disorders.
Obstructive sleep apnoea in extremely obese patient
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive episodes of interruption of breathing during sleep due to partial or complete collapse of pharynx. Prevalence of mild OSA is about 9-24%, clinically significant disease is present in about 4% men and 2% women. Morphology of upper airways and body weight are important factors for development of OSA. Approximately 70% of OSA patients are overweight and 40% obese patients suffer from OSA.
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Morbus Crouzon and severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a highly prevalent sleep disorder that affects 2% of female and 4% of male population. The major risk factors for OSA is obesity. Less common causes of OSA may be various congenital craniofacial anomalies. The presented case report has introduced an adult male patient with Crouzon syndrome (CS), rare genetic disease leading to craniofacial deformities, who was referred to sleep laboratory with the suspicion of sleep disordered breathing.
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Puberty and its disorders
In theorethical part of this lecture author presented physiology of the pubertal development, differencies between girls and boys pubertal development. Special part is focused on patological development - precocious and delayed pubertal development - etiology, clinical manigestation, clinical approach a treatment posibilities.
Language disorders
Attached teaching material: PPT lecture on Cortical syndromes. The content of lecture notes for the presentation related to the lecture intended for the students of general medicine is focused on the clinical manifestation of damage to individual cortical areas or syndromology of cerebral lobe damage.
Disorders of mood, drives and intelligence
Psychopathology is a field that studies abnormal cognition, behavior, and experiences that deviate from social norms. It is based on a number of constructs that are considered the social norm in a particular era. Descriptive psychopathology involves categorizing, defining, and understanding symptoms based on people's reports and their behavior, which are then evaluated according to the social norm.
Motor disorders - for students of Dental Medicine
The presentation was used during a lecture for students of Dental Medicine from the subject Pathological Physiology. It introduces basic physiological and pathophysiological terms and deals with an overview of motor disorders at different levels of the nervous system and muscles, including examples.
Obesity and lipids disorders and prevention of CV diseases
Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. More specifically, obesity is a complex condition which is influenced by a wide-range of genetic and non-genetic factors, with interactions between many of these.
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
The lecture provides information on the basic aspects of urological examination. It discusses the history of urological diseases, examinations and symptomatology, which are important in the examination of a urological patient. It deals with urinary disorders, changes in urine quality, urological causes of hematuria, endoscopic examination methods, USG and CT with a presentation of some typical findings.
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
Urology is the branch of medicine that focuses on surgical and medical diseases of the male and female urinary-tract system and the male reproductive organs. Organs under the domain of urology include the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, and the male reproductive organs (testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate, and penis).
General psychopathology - disorders of will, acting, instincts and personality
The lecture is a teaching material for the course Psychiatry 1, it is intended for fourth year General Medicine and Dental Medicine students. It describes the basics of general - descriptive psychopathology with a focus on disorders of will, action, drives and personality disorders. General - descriptive psychopathology is the in-depth description, categorization, and diagnosis of abnormal experiences as reported by the patient and as manifested in their behavior. It uses phenomenological analysis to confirm the universality of the events experienced.
Epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis of mental disorders, suicidality, prevention in psychiatry
The presentation describes the factores important in etiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders. There are present informations about suicidal behavior, parasuicidal behavior (how to differentiate between them). Informations regarding prevention in psychiatry (primary, secondary and tertiary) are included too.
Clinical examination of patient. Diagnostic process in psychiatry. Mood and anxiety disorders
The lecture describes how to communicate with patient and which informations are especially important regarding anamnestic data of the patient with mental disorder. Basic informations how to create final diagnosis in psychiatry are mentioned (syndromology, diagnostic process, final diagnosis, treatment plan). Basic informations regarding anxiety and mood disorders are desribed as well.
Treatment in psychiatry - Neurocognitives, nootropic drugs, anxiolytics, hypnotics, psychostimulants
.. to induce, extend, or improve the quality of sleep and reduce wakefulness during sleep... .. used to prevent or treat anxiety symptoms or disorders. Hypnotics are used to induce, extend, or.. .. vigilance, euphoria, hyperactivity, decreased sleepiness, and appetite. In this lesson, we will..
Neurology I - lectures
.. paralysis, cortical syndromes, speech and its disorders, symbolic functions and.. ..keywords: syndrome, imaging, electrophysiology, coma, sleep.. .. Coma
faculty member
NK-10 Sleep medicine
Internal medicine 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. – pituitary system axis and its disorders. Male and female reproductive endocrinology... .. KB
faculty member
Disorders of lipid metabolism
2.74 MB
Internal medicine 3 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. therapy. Blood transfusion. Haemostasis and its disorders. Investigation methods in gastroenterology and..
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
.. and subfebrility. Focal infection and sepsis. Disorders of the electrolyte metabolism. Treatment with..
Selected lectures from Neurology
..keywords: extrapyramidal disorders.. .. [?]
Extrapyramidal (Movement) Disorders
Clinical biochemistry - Lectures
.. emphasis on water, ion, and acid-base balance disorders, as well as prevalent conditions like diabetes.. .. MB
faculty member
Disorders of sodium and potassium
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
.. data describe subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea, wherein its prevalence has been.. .. OHS often suffer from sleep-related breathing disorders. Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea may.. ..Sleep anamnesis: 48-year old patient underwent.. ..keywords: type II - hypercapnic, G47.31 Obstructive sleep.. .. user
Figure 6 - BiPAP effectivity on sleep apnoea.
223.48 KB
Emergency psychiatry, psychiatric symptoms in somatic diseases
.. depression with suicidal thoughts, qualitative disorders of conscioussness, acute anxiety, affective..
Clinical Biochemistry - Selected chapters, e-book
.. the textbook contains 13 chapters focusing on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance, biochemical.. .. and interpreting tests
Water and electrolyte disorders
Acid-base balance disorders
Kidney function.. .. member
Water and electrolyte disorders
1.77 MB
faculty member