Dementia, organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders; mental retardation; neurodevelopmental disorders

The lecture describes mild cognitive impairment and specific types of dementia, with focus on Alzheimer´s dementia, Lewy body dementia, dementia in patients with Parkinson disease, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Students can find here informations regarding organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders, especially delirium, organic hallucinosis and depression induced by somatic illness. In the last part of lecture are informations abou stages of mental retardation; the very last part of lecture is dedicatde to specific neurodevelopmental disorders.

Author share lecture notes from the topics related to dementia.

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 Dementia, organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders; mental retardation; neurodevelopmental disorders 13.5.2024 801.77 KB registered user Creative Commons License


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