Newly diagnosed COPD - obstructive ventilatory impairment
.. no palpation sensitivity, no resistance
Lower limbs: without oedema, calfs free, symmetrical, no..
Multiple lung abscesses
.. Physical finding on abdominal region and lower limbs was normal.
Laboratory results:
Thoracic empyema
.. Physical finding on abdominal region and lower limbs was normal.
Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation
.. collapse, no palpitation and no oedema of lower limbs. Surgery of the ascending aorta aneurysm is..
CLEVER Dermatology Virtual Patients Cases
.. spread on the trunk and at the root of the limbs. Detachment of the scales leads to the..
Podtlakové uzatváranie rán – nové poznatky a možnosti aplikácie
.. closure of skin-graft dressing in the lower limbs using a portable mini-VAC device. British..
Anatómia 2 pre študentov Všeobecného lekárstva
.. Rhinencephalon. čuchová dráha. Limbický systém.
Prehľad nervových dráh.
Oko. Zrak.. .. Telencephalon – mozgová kôra, čuchový a limbický systém
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používateľ na prís..
Anatómia 1 pre študentov Zubného lekárstva
.. Bazálne gangliá. Mozgová kôra.
13. Limbický a čuchový systém. HN I. Komory, obaly a cie..
Infektológia vo video a audio prednáškach
.. Erysipel vo vyššom veku MUDr. Eva Králová Limbická encefalitida doc.MUDr.Luděk Rožnovský,CSc. ..
Anatomy 2 for students of General Medicine
.. Rhinencephalon, olfactory tract. Limbic system.
Nerve tracts –.. .. regions of brain cortex. Olfactory and limbic system - nerve tracts.