Mikroskopická anatómia - Elektronická učebnica pre medikov
.. tieto hlavné kapitoly:
- Kardiovaskulárny systém
- Lymfatický systém
- Tráviaci systém 1
- Trá.. .. MB
Kardiovaskulárny systém
16.45 MB
používateľ vzdelávacej sie..
Anatomy 1 for students of Dental Medicine
.. 1 for students of Dental Medicine deal with the systems of the human body from a general point of view.. ..keywords: bones and joints, muscular system, vascular and lymphatic systems, nervous system,.. .. MB
faculty member
Nervous system
8.21 MB
faculty member
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy - digestive system, abdomen
..keywords: digestive system,.. .. VA2e 6-01 A view to organs of the digestive system and their location in the abdominal..
Medical Informatics
.. from the area of medicine and health care are systematically processed. Therefore, informatics itself.. ..keywords: eHealth, information system, information..
Vybrané kapitoly z histológie pre odbor zubného lekárstva - učebnica a mikroskopický atlas
.. dutina (J. Veselá)
Koža (J. Veselá)
Cievny systém (Z. Fagová)
Lymfatický systém (V. El.. .. MB
Cievny systém
3.07 MB
Anatomy 1 for students of General Medicine
.. wall, peritoneum) and respiratory and digestive system.. .. of upper limb.
4. Introduction to vascular system. Vessels of upper limb.
5. Introduction to.. .. MB
faculty member
Vascular system in general. Arterial blood supply, venous and..
Histológia a embryológia 2 pre študentov Zubného lekárstva
.. sensitive [?]
Lymfatický systém
7.89 MB
používateľ na príslušnej faku..
Infections of the urogenital system
.. of the urogenital system (UTI) are the second most common site of.. .. [?]
Infections of the urogenital system
2.68 MB
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy - thorax, respiratory system
..keywords: thorax, respiratory system.. .. member
VA2e 4-01 Upper respiratory system
faculty member
VA2e 4-02..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. diseases of the male and female urinary-tract system and the male reproductive organs. Organs under.. ..keywords: signs, investigation, urogenital system.. .. Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
539.13 KB