Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of Dental Medicine
The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are gathered into bigger groups by topics. Exercises are arranged into weeks, in summer term (ST) and winter term (WT), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (ST, WT). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results.
First published: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M.: Practical exercises from biochemistry, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry for students of General Medicine
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry is a set of experimental exercises designed for a better understanding of the subject. Laboratory manuals for the practical exercises are arranged into weeks according to the syllabus (WT) and contain theoretical introduction as well as experimental procedures for each exercise. Published material represents an effective instrument for understanding of the basic principles of Medical Chemistry.
Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry”. Authors: Stupák M., Rabajdová M., Mašlanková J., Urban P., Tomečková V., Mareková M.
Chemistry of Dental Materials – Instructions and protocols for practical exercises
Practical exercises from Chemistry of Dental Materials is a set of experimental exercises designed for a better understanding of the subject. Practical experimental tasks enable students to become familiar with the basic chemical calculation and with chemical properties of materials commonly used in dentistry. They contribute to a better understanding of the properties of e.g., hydroxyapatite, metal corrosion and other properties of elements contained in dental materials. Separate attention is paid to dental plaster – its preparation and properties. Laboratory manuals for the practical exercises are arranged into weeks according to the syllabus and contain theoretical introduction as well as experimental procedures for each exercise.
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of General Medicine
The laboratory manuals are developed to the foreign students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical biochemistry. Exercises are arranged into weeks in winter term (WT) and summer term (ST), like it is in Syllabus of Lectures and practical exercises (WT, ST). Students can apply their manual skill in performing of the experiments, and also train their ability in evaluation of results and making of diagnoses.
Revised and supplemented first published version “Practical exercises from biochemistry”. Authors: Tomečková V., Kron I., Mareková M., Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Košice 2011, ISBN 978-80-7097-874-0.
Instructions and protocols for practical exercises on dental materials
Practical exercises from the subject Dental Materials contain selected experimental tasks that enable students to become familiar with the chemical properties of materials commonly used in dentistry. They contribute to a better understanding of the properties of e.g., hydroxyapatite, metal corrosion and other properties of elements contained in dental materials. Separate attention is paid to dental plaster - its preparation and properties.
Medical Biophysics for GM - Documentation for practical exercises
The integral part of the course Medical Biophysics for General Medicine besides the lectures is also the practical exercise which is closely associated with the lectured topics. The present contribution involves the documentation of practical exercises on Medical Biophysics for students of General Medicine. The first part includes the theoretical background to selected topics whereas the second part includes the empty reports for each topic.
Medical Biophysics for DM - Documentation for practical exercises
The topics of practical exercise on Medical biophysics are closely related to the course Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine students. The present contribution involves the theoretical documentation of selected topics as well as the empty reports for each topic. The order of reports follows the exercise plan.
Chemistry of Dental Materials – Instructions and protocols for practical exercises
.. exercises from Chemistry of Dental Materials is a set of.. .. offer material for practical exercise.. ..keywords: dental materials, exercise..
Medical Biophysics for DM - Documentation for practical exercises
.. topics of practical exercise on Medical biophysics are closely related to the..
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry for students of General Medicine
.. exercises from Medical Chemistry is a set of experimental.. .. for practical exercises from medical chemistry are divided according to..
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of General Medicine
.. students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical..
Practical exercises from Medical Biochemistry for students of Dental Medicine
.. students of medicine for practical laboratory exercise and verification of knowledge from medical.. .. materials for practical exercises from medical biochemistry.
First.. ..keywords: practical exercise..
Medical Biophysics for GM - Documentation for practical exercises
.. besides the lectures is also the practical exercise which is closely associated with the lectured..
Newly diagnosed COPD - obstructive ventilatory impairment
.. cessation, improving of regimen, sufficiency of exercise and pulmonary rehabilitation was recommended to..
Aortocoronary bypass
.. withdrawal and pressure chest pain during exercise. Due to the symptomatology and cummulation of..
Parainfectious myocarditis
.. radiation, previous myocardial damage and exercise. Some bacterial and protozoal infections may be..
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy - digestive system, abdomen
.. of individual preparation for practical exercises. They are intended for students of general..