Chemistry of Dental Materials – Instructions and protocols for practical exercises

Practical exercises from Chemistry of Dental Materials is a set of experimental exercises designed for a better understanding of the subject. Practical experimental tasks enable students to become familiar with the basic chemical calculation and with chemical properties of materials commonly used in dentistry. They contribute to a better understanding of the properties of e.g., hydroxyapatite, metal corrosion and other properties of elements contained in dental materials. Separate attention is paid to dental plaster – its preparation and properties. Laboratory manuals for the practical exercises are arranged into weeks according to the syllabus and contain theoretical introduction as well as experimental procedures for each exercise.

Authors offer material for practical exercises.

Attachment   Date Size Availability [?] Clinically sensitive [?] Licence
 1. week 15.9.2024 302.1 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 2. week 15.9.2024 86.32 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 3. week 15.9.2024 152.41 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 4. week 15.9.2024 202.42 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 5. week 15.9.2024 186.03 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 6. week 15.9.2024 210.67 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 7. week 15.9.2024 143.28 KB faculty member Creative Commons License
 8. week 15.9.2024 170.07 KB faculty member Creative Commons License

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