Chronic Respiratory Failure due to Kyphoscoliosis
Kyphoscoliosis is a well-recognized cause of respiratory failure. Kyphoscoliosis is a chronic disease, occurring in 2-3% of the general population, which leads to a distorted spinal curvature and chest wall deformity. As a consequence, respiratory function is impaired due to reduced chest wall compliance and restrictive lung function pattern arises. The development of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) has made it an accepted standard modality of care at the present time for patients with chronic respiratory failure caused by kyphoscoliosis. The presented case report describes a 49-year-old female with idiopathic kyphoscoliosis who developed chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure with the need of noninvasive ventilatory support.
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Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy - thorax, respiratory system
This contribution presents a set of educational videos designed for the study of topics involved in the subject of Anatomy 1. The videos contain records of individual anatomical structures and provide the possibility of individual preparation for practical exercises. They are intended for students of general medicine.
Anatomical dissection - thorax, axilla, respiratory system (videos)
Anatomical dissection of the thorax contains educational video recordings of dissections performed on cadavers in dissection rooms of Department of Anatomy. They are intended for students of medicine in order to acquaint them with anatomical structures of the human body as well as to extend their preparation for practical exercises. Documentation videos are supplemented with descriptions of individual anatomical structures and expert commentary.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016 "Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials" and VVGS – 2021 -1972 ”Production of english dubbing to educational videos – Dissection of thorax (digitalization of anatomy classes)”.
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for Dental Medicine students
.. metabolism
Respiratory chain
Replication and.. .. metabolism
Respiratory chain
Replication and.. ..keywords: respiratory chain, cytric acid cycle,.. ..keywords: chain, cytric acid cycle,.. .. MB
faculty member
The Respiratory Chain
2.63 MB
faculty.. .. MB
faculty member
The Respiratory Chain
2.63 MB
faculty member
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. of nucleotides
Krebs cycle and Respiratory chain
Imtermediary.. .. cycle and Respiratory chain
Imtermediary.. ..keywords: respiratory chain, cytric acid cycle, glycolyse, lipids,.. ..keywords: chain, cytric acid cycle, glycolyse, lipids,.. .. MB
faculty member
The Respiratory Chain
2.63 MB
faculty.. .. MB
faculty member
The Respiratory Chain
2.63 MB
faculty member
Histology and Embryology 2 - lectures for General Medicine students
.. system, lymhatic system, digestive and respiratory systems, urogenital systems, endocrine and nerve.. .. MB
faculty member
Respiratory system
7.66 MB
Histology and Embryology 2 for students of Dental Medicine
..keywords: system, urinary system, genital system, respiratory system, skull, eye,.. .. Microscopic structure and development of respiratory system
7.67 MB
Anatomy 1 for students of Dental Medicine
.. next lectures are devoted to the digestive and respiratory systems, the heart, the urinary and genital.. ..keywords: lower limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, heart, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system,.. .. MB
faculty member
Respiratory system
4.03 MB
Anatomy 1 for students of General Medicine
.. heart), abdomen (abdominal wall, peritoneum) and respiratory and digestive.. .. of heart, vessels, conducting system.
22. Respiratory system.
23. Respiratory system -.. .. MB
faculty member
Respiratory system
3.25 MB
Acid-based balance
.. and principles of treatment of metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Metabolic processes ► a..
Home mechanical ventilation in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
.. of age. Myocardium is also frequently affected. Respiratory muscles impairment and other complications lead.. .. 20-year old student with DMD was examined in the respiratory department in order to assess development of.. ..keywords: Muscular dystrophy, J96.11 Chronic respiratory failure type II - hypercapnic, G47.31.. ..keywords: muscular dystrophy, respiratory failure, home mechanical..
Cardiac disease
.. cardiomegaly, poor growth, arrythmias, murmurs, respiratory syndrome, bronchitis. This short presentation..
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
.. ventilation. Two years later he sought respiratory specialist and was admitted to deparment of.. ..keywords: hypoventilation BMI: 40 and more, J96.11 Chronic respiratory failure type II - hypercapnic, G47.31.. ..keywords: hypoventilation, respiratory failure, noninvasive..