Virtual Patient - Survey
Project CROESUS aims to bring new technologies into the education processes at medical faculties. One of the project’s activity is to establish a system to operate virtual patients. To do this, respecting teachers’ as well as students’ preferences in this area we prepared a survey. The survey tries to collect information about most preferred features of such systems and you can participate on it at Thanks for your time.
Obstructive sleep apnoea in extremely obese patient
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterized by repetitive episodes of interruption of breathing during sleep due to partial or complete collapse of pharynx. Prevalence of mild OSA is about 9-24%, clinically significant disease is present in about 4% men and 2% women. Morphology of upper airways and body weight are important factors for development of OSA. Approximately 70% of OSA patients are overweight and 40% obese patients suffer from OSA.
Are the case reports useful for you? Would you also require case reports from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.
Doctor - Patient Communication (Lecture for General Medicine Students)
This lecture focuses on verbal and non-verbal communication in medical settings, doctors´ and patients`s behaviors that contribute to faulty communication, adherence to treatment, difficult interviews with angry, anxious, distressed patients, and how to give bad news. At the end, questions and suggestions on training the communication skills, and improving doctor - patient communication are discussed.
Home mechanical ventilation in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a hereditary progressive neuromuscular disorder that is inherited in X-linked recessive pattern. Mutation of dystrophin gene results into a loss of integrity and function of muscular fibres and their replacement by adipose and connective tissue. Muscle degeneration leads to motoric impairment and loss of walk around 12th year of age. Myocardium is also frequently affected. Respiratory muscles impairment and other complications lead to respiratory failure. If left untreated, death occurs around 20th year of life, usually due to cardiac or respiratory causes. Respiratory insufficiency development is treated by mechanical ventilation support.
Are the case reports useful for you? Would you also require case reports from other clinical disciplines? Do you have any comments or suggestions for improvement? Please provide your feedback by filling out a short questionnaire.
History taking and clinical examination. Doctor - patient communication.
This presentation describes how to communicate with patient, how to obtain anamnestic data (family history, personal history, psychiatric anamnesis, abuse of/addiction to psychoactive substances), how to ask regarding history of present illness of and how to create relationship with patient, which is crucial in the field of psychiatry.
Clinical examination of patient. Diagnostic process in psychiatry. Mood and anxiety disorders
The lecture describes how to communicate with patient and which informations are especially important regarding anamnestic data of the patient with mental disorder. Basic informations how to create final diagnosis in psychiatry are mentioned (syndromology, diagnostic process, final diagnosis, treatment plan). Basic informations regarding anxiety and mood disorders are desribed as well.
CLEVER Medical Semiology Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for medical semiology are developed.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the medical semiology.
VP.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the medical semiology.
VP.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case, medical.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case, medical..
CLEVER Orthopaedic Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for orthopaedics are developed and.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the orthopaedics.
VP ORTHO.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the orthopaedics.
VP ORTHO Case.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case,.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case,..
CLEVER Neurosurgery Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for neurosurgery are developed and.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the neurosurgery.
VP.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the neurosurgery.
VP.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case,.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case,..
CLEVER Vascular Surgery Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for vascular surgery are developed and.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the vascular surgery.
VP.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the vascular surgery.
VP VASC SURG.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case, vascular.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case, vascular..
CLEVER Emergency Medicine Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for emergency medicine are developed.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the emergency medicine.
VP.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the emergency medicine.
VP.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual.. ..keywords: patient, virtual..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. and sexual medicine. Examination of the patient is essential and very important step. The..
Ischemic stroke
.. CT perfusion, MRI), acute management of a patient with ischemic NCMP (intravenous thrombolysis,..
CLEVER Cardiology Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for cardiology are developed and.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the cardiology.
VP CARDIO.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the cardiology.
VP CARDIO Case.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case,.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case,..
CLEVER Pediatric Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for pediatrics are developed and.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the pediatrics.
VP.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the pediatrics.
VP PEDO Case.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case,.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case,..
CLEVER Surgical Semiology Virtual Patients Cases
..irtual scenarios for surgical semiology are developed.. .. medical and healthcare disciplines. Individual patient simulations contribute to the case-based.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the surgical semiology.
VP.. .. developed and share OpenLabyrinth virtual patient cases for the surgical semiology.
VP.. ..keywords: irtual patient, virtual case, surgical.. ..keywords: patient, virtual case, surgical..