Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine
.. and sterilisation in surgical ward and in all health care facilities; Basis methods of anasthesia;..
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for Dental Medicine students
.. MB
faculty member
Health oral habits and psychological aspects of their..
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students
.. MB
faculty member
Health, habits and psychological aspects of their..
ABC of Informatics
.. technologies are widely used in today’s health care systems, and therefore it is necessary to..
Surgical Propedeutics
.. and sterilisation in surgical ward and in all health care facilities; Preoperative management of the..
.. pneumonia (CAP) is a serious public health concern and a major cause of mortality and.. .. antibiotic resistance published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014.
Management of breast cancer
.. and menopause at 46. All 3 children were all healthy. No other important anamnestic data were..
The Use of the Er:YAG Laser 2940 nm in complex caries removal
.. procedure. No medication taking, good general health.
Dental history:
Patient is originally very..
Funkčné potraviny, probiotiká, prebiotiká a ich význam
.. získal status FOSHU (Foods for Specified Health Use), ktorým môžu byť označované potraviny s doká..
Pneumotorax: Manažment pacientov a kazuistika z nášho pracoviska
.. H. Spontaneous pneumothorax in the apparently healthy. Acta Med. Scand. (Suppl) 1932;43:1e159.