Treatment of overjet by retraction of frontal teeth to temporary anchorage devices (TADs)
.. which will be corrected with adjusted thermoformed plastic retainer.
Authors declare the..
Orálna mukozitída pri liečbe akútnej lymfoblastovej leukémie
..keywords: Akútna lymfoblastová leukémia, K12.1 Iné formy stomatitídy, K12.3 Zápal sliznice úst (u..
.. for chlamydia and mycoplasma was also performed, the result was negative.
Imaging.. .. National Center for Biotechnology Inform..
Morbus Crouzon and severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
.. rare genetic disease leading to craniofacial deformities, who was referred to sleep laboratory with.. .. sutures leading to facial dysmorphism, skull deformities and exophthalmos, mental status is normal...
Parainfectious myocarditis
.. and unexpected death in young athletes. Some forms of myocarditis may lead to chronic low-grade..
.. National Center for Biotechnology Inform..
Systémový lupus erythematodes s mnohopočetnými orgánovými komplikáciami