Obesity and lipids disorders and prevention of CV diseases

Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. More specifically, obesity is a complex condition which is influenced by a wide-range of genetic and non-genetic factors, with interactions between many of these.
Epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis of mental disorders, suicidality, prevention in psychiatry

The presentation describes the factores important in etiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders. There are present informations about suicidal behavior, parasuicidal behavior (how to differentiate between them). Informations regarding prevention in psychiatry (primary, secondary and tertiary) are included too.
Preventive and sports medicine - lectures for students of General and Dental Medicine
.. of sports trauma, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention. Doping, doping control. Recreational sports.. ..keywords: medicine, nutrition, prevention..
Nursing Care 1
.. on healthcare system in Slovakia, infection prevention and control, nursing care management of selected..
Ischemic stroke
.. screening for cognitive impairment and secondary prevention..
Internal medicine 1 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. insuficiency, Tuberculosis – epidemiology, prevention and treatment, Bronchogenic carcinoma, other..
RNA viruses
.. diseases, laboratory diagnostics, therapy and prevention are..
.. syndromes, laboratory diagnostics, therapy and prevention are described for the most important..
Autoimmune hepatitis
.. with ursodeoxycholic acid and PPI as ulcerogenic prevention.
In approximately 25% of..
Parainfectious myocarditis
.. check-ups by cardiologist are required. In the prevention of myocarditis, it is advisable to have a rest..
.. therapies, microbiological diagnostic tests and prevention measures, pneumonia remains the main cause of..
Multisystémový zápalový syndróm u dospelých (MIS-A) v súvislosti s nedávnou infekciou COVID-19
.. definovaných Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Na rozdiel od akútnej COVID-19 pneumónie s..