Histology and Embryology 2 for students of Dental Medicine
.. are devoted to the students of the 1st study year in the field of Dental medicine. Students can.. ..keywords: genital system, respiratory system, skull, eye, ear.. .. MB
university member
Ear - microscopic structure and..
Anatomy 2 for students of Dental Medicine
.. for students of Dental Medicine in the first year of study. Lectures are dedicated to understand.. .. Eye. CN II, III, IV, VI, visual pathway. Ear. CN VIII, auditory and vestibular pathways.
13... .. CN I, olfactory and gustatory pathways, ear, CN VIII, auditory and vestibular pathways,..
Histology and Embryology 2 - lectures for General Medicine students
.. structure of selected organs and introduction to early embryonic development and oraganogenesis.. .. MB
faculty member
3.49 MB
faculty member
Anatomy 2 for students of General Medicine
.. are devoted to students of the 1st year of study - General medicine. The students can.. .. tracts – overview.
Eye. Visual tract.
Ear. Auditory and vestibular tracts.
Skin... .. member
Organs of vision and hearing
3.3 MB
faculty member
Appendicitis acuta and Meckel diverticulum
.. 23-year-old man presented with a two days history of..
Podtlakové uzatváranie rán – nové poznatky a možnosti aplikácie
.. F.A.: Vacuum-assisted wound closure provides early fascial reapproximation in traima patient with..
Management of pilonidal sinus
.. Case report 1
A 30 year old male patient came to the surgery with..
Journey of a swallowed wooden stick to the liver
.. Problems can occur after months or even years after incident. CT is the most suitable imaging.. .. year old man was referred to the internal department..
Management of breast cancer
..ear-old patient presented at the surgery department..
General medicine - lectures
.. that present in an undifferentiated way at an early stage of development, which may require urgent..