Acid-based balance

Lecture for 5- year subject Internal Medicine 4. Basic knowledge of disorders of the internal environment, their cause, diagnosis and principles of treatment of metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Metabolic processes ► acid/base ACIDS from carbohydrates and fat metabolism (15-20 000 mmol of CO2 daily) CO2 + H2O ►H2CO3 ►(carbonic anhydrase) H + HCO3 H + Hb in RBC ►released with oxygenation in the alveoli ►reversed reaction – H2O + CO2 – exhaled in each breath.
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry for students of General Medicine
..keywords: chemistry, laboratory, carboxylic acid, buffer, titration,.. ..keywords: chemistry, laboratory, carboxylic acid, buffer, titration,..
Chemistry - Repetitorium
.. reactions
Hydrocarbons and their derivatives
Carboxylic acids
Heterocycles and Lipids
Saccharides.. .. in folowing topics.
Acids, Bases and Buffers
Kinetics and redox.. ..keywords: acids, kinetics, reactions, hydrocarbons,.. .. KB
faculty member
Carboxylic acids
596.74 KB
faculty.. .. KB
faculty member
Acids, Bases and Buffers
348.53 KB
Chemistry of dental materials - Lectures
..keywords: chemistry, hydrocarbones, carboxylic.. ..keywords: chemistry, hydrocarbones, carboxylic acid..
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for Dental Medicine students
.. (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to.. .. and their role in metabolism
Amino acid metabolism I
Coenzymes –.. ..keywords: chain, cytric acid cycle,.. .. MB
faculty member
The Citric Acid Cycle
2.68 MB
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to.. .. biochemistry
Amino acid metabolism I
Enzymes and their.. ..keywords: chain, cytric acid cycle, glycolyse, lipids,.. .. MB
faculty member
The Citric Acid Cycle
2.68 MB
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of General Medicine
..keywords: acid, base balance, internal medicine, obesity,.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Acid - base balance
Clinical Biochemistry - Selected chapters, e-book
.. chapters focusing on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance, biochemical diagnosis of various.. .. tests
Water and electrolyte disorders
Acid-base balance disorders
Kidney function.. ..keywords: electrolyte, acid, kidney, liver, diabetes mellitus, lipids,.. .. MB
faculty member
Acid-base balance disorders
Clinical biochemistry - Lectures
.. It places particular emphasis on water, ion, and acid-base balance disorders, as well as prevalent.. .. of potassium content and concentration. Further acidemia, alkalemia, acidosis,.. .. MB
faculty member
Acid-base (balance) disorders
Microbial (bacterial) genetics
.. in all cells in the form of a DNA, nucleic acid molecule. A segment of DNA that codes for a..
Medical chemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. Saccharides
8. Lipids
9. Amino acids and peptides
10. Proteins
11. Nucleid.. ..keywords: kinetics, saccharides, lipids, nucleid acids,.. .. 2
3.71 MB
faculty member
Carboxylic acids
5.57 MB
faculty.. .. MB
faculty member
Carboxylic acids
5.57 MB
faculty member