Acid-based balance

Lecture for 5- year subject Internal Medicine 4. Basic knowledge of disorders of the internal environment, their cause, diagnosis and principles of treatment of metabolic and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. Metabolic processes ► acid/base ACIDS from carbohydrates and fat metabolism (15-20 000 mmol of CO2 daily) CO2 + H2O ►H2CO3 ►(carbonic anhydrase) H + HCO3 H + Hb in RBC ►released with oxygenation in the alveoli ►reversed reaction – H2O + CO2 – exhaled in each breath.
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for Dental Medicine students
.. (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to.. .. Enzymes and their role in metabolism
Amino acid metabolism I
Coenzymes –.. ..keywords: chain, cytric acid cycle,.. .. MB
faculty member
The Citric Acid Cycle
2.68 MB
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. (e.g. saccharides, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids). In second semester is teaching focused to.. .. term
Cell biochemistry
Amino acid metabolism I
Enzymes and their role.. ..keywords: chain, cytric acid cycle, glycolyse, lipids,.. .. MB
faculty member
The Citric Acid Cycle
2.68 MB
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of General Medicine
..keywords: acid, base balance, internal medicine, obesity,.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Acid - base balance
Clinical Biochemistry - Selected chapters, e-book
.. chapters focusing on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance, biochemical diagnosis of various.. .. tests
Water and electrolyte disorders
Acid-base balance disorders
Kidney function.. ..keywords: electrolyte, acid, kidney, liver, diabetes mellitus, lipids,.. .. MB
faculty member
Acid-base balance disorders
Clinical biochemistry - Lectures
.. It places particular emphasis on water, ion, and acid-base balance disorders, as well as prevalent.. .. of potassium content and concentration. Further acidemia, alkalemia, acidosis,.. .. MB
faculty member
Acid-base (balance) disorders
Microbial (bacterial) genetics
.. in all cells in the form of a DNA, nucleic acid molecule. A segment of DNA that codes for a..
Internal medicine 6 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. diagnosis of jaundice. Alcoholic liver disease. Acid – base balance disorders...
RNA viruses
.. are noncellular organisms with ribonucleic acid (RNA) in their genome. In most viruses, RNA is..
Practical exercises from Medical Chemistry for students of General Medicine
..keywords: chemistry, laboratory, carboxylic acid, buffer, titration,..
Medical Chemistry - Calculations
.. chapter consists of calculation of pH of acidic and basic solutions, salts and buffers. Basic.. ..keywords: concentration, solution, pH, acid, bases, buffers,.. .. KB
faculty member
pH acids and bases
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