Internal medicine 1 - lectures for students of General Medicine

The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 3rd year of general medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine 1 in the summer semester of the third year of study. Gain basic theoretical knowledge of cardiology and pneumology, get acquainted with the examination procedures used in these diseases.
Internal medicine 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 3rd year of dental medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine 1 in the winter semester of the thrid year of study. Graduate acquires basic knowledges and skills needed in dental medicine. Complete detailed history, physical examination of the patient and laboratory examination methods. Diagnosis and control the basic symptoms of individual diagnoses.
Internal medicine 2 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 3rd year of dental medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine 2 in the summer term of the thrid year of study. Principles of clinical electrocardiography, normal ECG, ECG ...
Internal medicine 3 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

Heart failure, Arrhytmias, Coronary heart disease - clinical symptomatology - diagnosis and treatment (including acute myocardial infarction), Tromboembolic disease - Acute and chronic pulmonary heart disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Bronchial asthma - Tumors of the lung pneumonias, Diabetes mellitus 1. and 2. type - treatment - main acute and chronic complications of DM, Diseases of the peripheral veins
Internal medicine 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine

The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 4th year of general medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine 2 in the winter term of the fourth year of study. Gain basic theoretical knowledge of endocrinology, diabetology and hematology, get acquainted with the examination procedures used in these diseases.
Internal medicine 4 - lectures for students of General Medicine

Toxicology I - diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in acute and chronic poisonings, mushroons, drugs, toxicomania.Toxicology II - poisoning by organic compounds (ethanol and methanol, chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates) and inorganic compounds (heavy metals, CO). Professional diseases of the respiratory system -pneumoconiosis, professional asthma, professional rhinitis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Damage to the body from physical causes - vibration, prolonged excessive unilateral load, noise, electromagnetic radiation. Geriatrics - the most common diseases in the elderly, specifics of treatment, preoperative preparation of elderly patients. Geriatric cardiology and cardiac geriatrics.Clinical geriatrics.
Internal medicine 6 - lectures for students of General Medicine

Problem-based teaching with a differential diagnostic approach to individual diseases within the sub-disciplines and mastering the issue of acute conditions in individual sub-disciplines. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Alcoholic liver disease. Acid – base balance disorders. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory, immunosupressive and immunorestaurant treatment. Syncope. Shock.Paraneoplastic syndrome. Differential diagnosis of chest pain. Medical genetics in clinical practice. Focal infection and sepsis. Fever – differential diagnosis in internal medicine. Differential diagnosis of oedema in internal medicine.
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

Fever and subfebrility. Focal infection and sepsis. Disorders of the electrolyte metabolism. Treatment with glucocorticoids. Anemias, Leukemia, Myeloproliferative and lymphoproliferative diseases. Platelet disorders. Hemophilia and other coagulation disorders. Rheumatoid arthritis. Systemic lupus erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases. Chest pain, differential diagnosis. Acute cardiology. Shock and syncope. Acute states in gastroenterology and hepatology. Gastrointestinal bleeding. Acute states in endocrinology. Principles of using ATB, corticoid treatment, contraindications and other higher effects. Acute pneumology.
Internal medicine - Propedeutics - lectures for students of General Medicine

The presentations are a set of lectures intended for students of the 3rd year of general medicine. The individual lectures are correlated with the current syllabus of the subject Internal Medicine - Propedeutics in the winter term of the thrid year of study. Basic clinical nomenclature, evaluation of anamnestic data and physical examination in internal medicine. Evaluation of basic auxiliary examination methods.
Internal medicine 3 - lectures for students of General Medicine

Myelodysplastic syndrome and acute leukemias. Anticoagulation and fibrinolytic therapy. Blood transfusion. Haemostasis and its disorders. Investigation methods in gastroenterology and hepatology. Diseases of the oesophagus. Disorders of the stomach and doudenum. Disorders of the small bowel. Malabsorption. Inflammatory bowel diseases. Tumours of the small and large bowel. The Pancreas Disorders of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Chronic hepatitis. Liver tumors Acute states in gastroenterology. Metabolic and toxic liver diseases. Liver cirrhosis. Hepatic failure. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory and immunosupressive treatment. Treatment with glucocorticoids.