Dementia, organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders; mental retardation; neurodevelopmental disorders

The lecture describes mild cognitive impairment and specific types of dementia, with focus on Alzheimer´s dementia, Lewy body dementia, dementia in patients with Parkinson disease, frontotemporal dementia and vascular dementia. Students can find here informations regarding organic (including symptomatic) mental disorders, especially delirium, organic hallucinosis and depression induced by somatic illness. In the last part of lecture are informations abou stages of mental retardation; the very last part of lecture is dedicatde to specific neurodevelopmental disorders.
Emergency psychiatry, psychiatric symptoms in somatic diseases

We are going to talk about acute psychotic states, acute intoxications, withdrawal syndromes, acute mania, depression with suicidal thoughts, qualitative disorders of conscioussness, acute anxiety, affective reactions in personality disorders, acute adverse side effects caused by medication: serotonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant sy, acute dystonia, akathizia.
Substance related disorders, Eating disorders, Disorders of sleep, suicidality, stigma in psychiatry

Substance-induced disorders include medical conditions that can be directly attributed to the use of a substance. These conditions include intoxication, withdrawal, substance-induced delirium, substance-induced psychosis, and substance-induced mood disorders. Common eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder.
General psychopathology - disorders of will, acting, instincts and personality

The lecture is a teaching material for the course Psychiatry 1, it is intended for fourth year General Medicine and Dental Medicine students. It describes the basics of general - descriptive psychopathology with a focus on disorders of will, action, drives and personality disorders. General - descriptive psychopathology is the in-depth description, categorization, and diagnosis of abnormal experiences as reported by the patient and as manifested in their behavior. It uses phenomenological analysis to confirm the universality of the events experienced.
Epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis of mental disorders, suicidality, prevention in psychiatry

The presentation describes the factores important in etiology, epidemiology and pathogenesis of mental disorders. There are present informations about suicidal behavior, parasuicidal behavior (how to differentiate between them). Informations regarding prevention in psychiatry (primary, secondary and tertiary) are included too.
Disorders of mood, drives and intelligence

Psychopathology is a field that studies abnormal cognition, behavior, and experiences that deviate from social norms. It is based on a number of constructs that are considered the social norm in a particular era. Descriptive psychopathology involves categorizing, defining, and understanding symptoms based on people's reports and their behavior, which are then evaluated according to the social norm.
Treatment in psychiatry - Neurocognitives, nootropic drugs, anxiolytics, hypnotics, psychostimulants

Nootropics are a group of medicinal substances that can improve human thinking, learning, and memory, especially in cases where these functions are impaired. Anxiolytics are medications used to prevent or treat anxiety symptoms or disorders. Hypnotics are used to induce, extend, or improve the quality of sleep and reduce wakefulness during sleep. Psychostimulants are drugs that can significantly influence cognitive and affective functioning and behaviors.
History taking and clinical examination. Doctor - patient communication.

This presentation describes how to communicate with patient, how to obtain anamnestic data (family history, personal history, psychiatric anamnesis, abuse of/addiction to psychoactive substances), how to ask regarding history of present illness of and how to create relationship with patient, which is crucial in the field of psychiatry.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students

Lectures containing actual knowledge from medical psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to the general medicine students of the 3rd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of habits, stress and coping strategies, psychosomatic medicine, or psychology of emotions.
Clinical examination of patient. Diagnostic process in psychiatry. Mood and anxiety disorders

The lecture describes how to communicate with patient and which informations are especially important regarding anamnestic data of the patient with mental disorder. Basic informations how to create final diagnosis in psychiatry are mentioned (syndromology, diagnostic process, final diagnosis, treatment plan). Basic informations regarding anxiety and mood disorders are desribed as well.