RNA viruses
.. replication in the host cell, pathogenicity, diseases, laboratory diagnostics, therapy and prevention..
Surgery 2 for General Medicine
.. arteries; Surgery of the congenital and acquired diseases of the heart; Surgery of the abdominal wall and..
Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation
.. man
PA: no diseases in history, controlled because of ascending..
Cardiac tamponade due to cardiac metastases
.. of East Slovak Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases.
Aortic valve replacement because of aortic valve stenosis, repair of tricuspid valve because of regurgitation
.. hypertension, diabetes mellitus, no other diseases
FA: no hereditary diseases in relatives
Mitral valve replacement and MAZE procedure because of mitral valve stenosis and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
.. blood lipids, Sjögren's syndrome, no other diseases.
FA: mother died 76-years-old after stroke,..
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. will help them later to diagnose and treat many diseases correctly. In firsts semester is study..
Chronic Respiratory Failure due to Kyphoscoliosis
.. on chronic. Respiratory failure due to lung diseases (pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome,..
.. mortality is the impact of pneumonia on chronic diseases, along with the increasing age of the population.. .. was referred to Department of respiratory diseases by general practitioner because of an X-ray..
Posterior wall myocardial infarction
.. diabetes mellitus, stroke, thyroid gland diseases, operations.
MH: Sine.
AH: Sine
SH, AH:..