Serologic reactions
In diagnostics of infectious diseases direct and indirect diagnostic methods are used. Direct diagnostics allows to visualize microorganisms as agents of infection, indirect diagnostics allows to detect reactions of the macroorganism to the presence of the microorganism. Indirect diagnostics is focused on cellular immunity (skin tests), in which specific antibodies are demonstrated by serological reactions. The lecture is devoted to the explanation of basic terms (antigen, antibody, serological reaction, its course, evaluation) and the classification of serological reactions, which are used in clinical microbiology in the diagnosis of infectious disease agents. An illustrative image or procedure, reaction principle and specific examples of use are available for individual reactions.
Psychological stress and coping
A lecture from psychology and medical communication focuses now on topics about stress: how you decide something is stressful, what are psychological responses to stress, how can people adapt to stress, which personality and social factors help or hinder your coping processes, and how to develop a stress management program.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for Dental Medicine students
.. psychotherapy, psychology of oral habits, stress and coping strategies, or psychology of emotions.. ..keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, oral habits, stress reactions, emotions, cognition,.. ..keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, oral habits, stress reactions, emotions, cognition,.. .. KB
faculty member
Sstress reactions to stress and possibilities of.. .. KB
faculty member
Sstress reactions to stress and possibilities of..
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students
.. psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of habits, stress and coping strategies, psychosomatic medicine,.. ..keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, habits, stress reactions, emotions, cognition,.. ..keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, habits, stress reactions, emotions, cognition,.. .. model of disease, psychosomatics, stress
1.13 MB
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Introduction to psychology
.. describes he basic approaches and its goals. The stress in on clinical psychology with description of.. ..keywords: stress, psychodiagnostics,..
Pathophysiology I - selected lectures for General medicine and Dentistry
.. Chronic inflammation, Consciousness, Stress, Cellcycle, Apoptosis and Necrosis, Cell..
Chemistry - Repetitorium
.. including structures, nomenclature and typical reactions.. .. Bases and Buffers
Kinetics and redox reactions
Hydrocarbons and their.. ..keywords: acids, kinetics, reactions, hydrocarbons, derivatives, heterocycles,.. .. KB
faculty member
Kinetics and redox reactions
338.91 KB
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Chemistry of dental materials - Lectures
.. systems, water, solutions
Chemical reactions – thermodynamics, kinetics,.. .. MB
faculty member
Chemical reactions - thermodynamics, kinetics,..
Medical chemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. Principle of thermodynamics and chemical reactions
5. Derivatices of carbohydrates
6... .. MB
faculty member
Chemical reactions 1
3.27 MB
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Emergency psychiatry, psychiatric symptoms in somatic diseases
.. of conscioussness, acute anxiety, affective reactions in personality disorders, acute adverse side..
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for Dental Medicine students
.. The students should learn about biochemical reactions taking place in the human body. The knowledge.. .. pathobiochemistry I
Oxidative stress
Oral biochemistry and..
Medical biochemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. The students should learn about biochemical reactions in all living systems, especially in the human.. .. of kidney
Oxidation stress
Metabolism of minerals and trace..