History taking and clinical examination. Doctor - patient communication.
This presentation describes how to communicate with patient, how to obtain anamnestic data (family history, personal history, psychiatric anamnesis, abuse of/addiction to psychoactive substances), how to ask regarding history of present illness of and how to create relationship with patient, which is crucial in the field of psychiatry.
Clinical examination of patient. Diagnostic process in psychiatry. Mood and anxiety disorders
The lecture describes how to communicate with patient and which informations are especially important regarding anamnestic data of the patient with mental disorder. Basic informations how to create final diagnosis in psychiatry are mentioned (syndromology, diagnostic process, final diagnosis, treatment plan). Basic informations regarding anxiety and mood disorders are desribed as well.
Neurology 1 - lectures for students of general medicine
.. Neurology I subject and discusses the basics of neurological examination, neurological anamnesis and, in the.. .. subject and discusses the basics of neurological examination, neurological anamnesis and, in the second part,.. ..keywords: history, cranial nerves, neurological.. ..keywords: history, cranial nerves, neurological examination..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. neurourology, androurology and sexual medicine. Examination of the patient is essential and very important..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. information on the basic aspects of urological examination. It discusses the history of urological..
EEG, PSG and sleep disorders
.. basic principles of electroencephalography, the examination procedure, indications for EEG examination and..
Internal medicine 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
.. medicine. Complete detailed history, physical examination of the patient and laboratory examination.. ..keywords: medicine, history, physical examination, laboratory examination,..
Internal medicine - Propedeutics - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. evaluation of anamnestic data and physical examination in internal medicine. Evaluation of basic.. .. neck, chest (lungs and heart), abdomen, physical examination of ascites. Palpation of the peripheral vessels,..
Aortic dissection
.. hospital by an ambulance, at first examined at a neurological outpatient clinic for thoracic and lumbal spine.. .. arterial hypertension (BP 200/90 mmHg) sent for examination to internal outpatient clinic. The patient..
Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine
.. of surgery; Basic principles of clinical examination; Priciples of antisepsis and.. .. [?]
Basic principles of clinical examination
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CLEVER Cardiac Surgery Virtual Patients Cases
.. on exertion and one episode of syncope, without neurological sequela. He first recognizes having to catch his..
Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development
.. students can encounter during a basic physical examination of the..