Introduction to (bio)statistics

Biostatistics represents a collection of methods for planning biological experiments, obtaining various medical data, and then organizing, summarizing, presenting, analyzing, interpreting, and drawing conclusions. Our primary goal is to provide the students the basic information needed to be able to interpret the types of studies, as well as to perform basic analyses.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2019 "Increasing of competences and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine".
ABC of Informatics

It becomes increasingly important for medical professionals to have an understanding of informatics and its background. The information systems and information technologies are widely used in today’s health care systems, and therefore it is necessary to support education in this area for both medical students and for physicians who graduated before informatics was applied in the field of medicine. The aims of Informatics should be oriented on improving knowledge about computers’ terms, methods and tools. The student should acquire the knowledge that allows them to reach the appropriate computer skills. These have to be sufficient to use Informatics elements in processing of given tasks and/or scientific works in an effective way.