Cardiac disease

Short presentation about congenital heart diseases, fetal circulation, transitorial, neonatal, normal pediatric circulation. Symptoms of congenital heart diseases are persistent unexplained central cyanosis or desaturation – even if mild initially, desaturation or cyanosis that does not improve with oxygen or ventilation, a significant persistent difference in upper and lower limb saturations, congestive heart failure (newborn, infants),cyanosis, cardiomegaly, poor growth, arrythmias, murmurs, respiratory syndrome, bronchitis. This short presentation also includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart diseases.
Myocarditis, pericarditis and endocarditis

Lecture about of myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis in children and adolescents for general medical students. This presentation iclude definitions of myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis, also include the signs and symptomas, diagnosis and treatment according new european / american guidelines.
Obesity and lipids disorders and prevention of CV diseases

Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. More specifically, obesity is a complex condition which is influenced by a wide-range of genetic and non-genetic factors, with interactions between many of these.
Anemias in children

Anaemia is an abnormal low hemoglobin, hematocrit or RBC count, lower than the age-adjusted reference range for healthy children. Anaemia can by coused by impaired red cell formation (deficiency, bone marrow failure and dyshematopoietic anemia), blood loss and hemolytic anemia. This presentation gives an overview of differential diagnosis and treatment of anemia in children.
Arterial hypertension

The current presentation gives you an overview about the methods of blood pressure measurement, diagnosis, and treatment of high blood pressure in children and adolescents. “The fourth report “ (2004) modified BP assessment, BP standards that are based on sex, age, and height provide a precise classification of BP according to body size.
Platelet disorders, Bleeding disorders, Leukemias

The topics of the following presentation are: platelet disorders, bleeding disorders and leukemias in pediatric population. It is focused on etiology, clasification, clinical course, diagnostic algorithm and treatment of the most common hemorrhagic and trombotic diseases in children. The presentation is devoted to students of the fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of the fourth year of dental medicine.
Diseases of pancreas, gastrointestinal manifestation of cystic fibrosis

The presentation provides an overview of diseases of pancreas in childhood. Main topics are acute and chronic pancreatitis, congenital anomalies of the exocrine pancreas and gastrointestinal manifestation of cystic fibrosis. It focusses on etiology, clinical course, diagnosis and treatment possibilities.
Differential diagnosis of hepatospenomegaly

Differential diagnosis of hepatosplenomegaly is presentation devoted for students of fifth and sixth year of general medicine and students of fourth year of dental medicine. Presentation describes single nosological units, describes mechanism of the development of hepato and splenomegaly, diagnostic approach and differential diagnosis.
Puberty and its disorders

In theorethical part of this lecture author presented physiology of the pubertal development, differencies between girls and boys pubertal development. Special part is focused on patological development - precocious and delayed pubertal development - etiology, clinical manigestation, clinical approach a treatment posibilities.
Type I diabetes mellitus

Diabetes mellitus type I. is one of the most common autoimmune endocrinopathies in childhood. Author presented recent knowledge about definition and etiology of hyperglycaemia in childhood, focused to diabetes I. type - its pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, practical aproaches, treatment and complications.