Educational videos are intended for studying bones, joints and muscles of the upper limb. Teachers from Department of anatomy explain important anatomical structures for students of General medicine. Videos can be used for individual studying. Videos make learning simpler, faster and more efficient.
Practical lesson 1: BONES OF UPPER LIMB
Bones of the upper limb introduction; Scapula; Clavicle; Humerus 1; Humerus 2; Radius; Ulna; Bones of hand
Practical lesson 2: JOINTS OF THE UPPER LIMB
Shoulder joint; Proper ligaments of scapula 1; Proper ligaments of scapula 2; Elbow joint; Membrana interossea; Distal radioulnar joint; Joints of hand
Practical lesson 3: MUSCLES OF THE UPPER LIMB
Muscles of the shoulder and arm; Muscles of the forearm – ventral and lateral group; Muscles of the forearm – dorsal group; Muscles of the hand; Muscles of the hand
Practical lesson 4: Vessels of the Upper Limb
Axillary artery; Brachial artery; Radial artery; Ulnar artery; Veins of Upper Limb
Practical lesson 5: Nerves of Upper Limb
Brachial plexus – book; Brachial plexus – trunks, cords; Brachial plexux – lateral cord; Median nerve; Brachial plexus – medial cord; Brachial plexus – posterior cord
Practical lesson 6: Dissection of Upper Limb
Cephalic vein; Basilic vein; Brachial artery, median nerve; Ulnar nerve; Radial nerve; Musculocutaneous nerve; Radial artery, median nerve, ulnar nerve; Radial nerve, superficial branch; Brachial artery, branches; Brachial artery, branches; Palamar aponeurosis; Removal of Palmar aponeurosis; Ulnar artery, superficial palmar arch; Superficial palmar arch 1; Superficial palmar arch 2; Dorsum manus, sensory innervation; Axilla, deep structures, axillary artery; Posterior brachial region; Scapular region skin incisions; Suprascapular artery
Practical lesson 7: Topographical anatomy of Upper Limb (dissection, continuation)
Palmar aponeurosis; Removal of palmar aponeurosis; Ulnar artery, superficial palmar arch; Superficial palmar arch 1; Superficial palmar arch 2; Dorsum manus, sensory innervation; Axilla, deep structures (axillary artery, musculocutaneous nerve); Posterior brachial region; Scapular region, skin removal; Suprascapular artery
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Keywords: anatomy, bone, muscle, joint
citation: Dalibor Kolesár, Andriana Pavlyuk, Janka Vecanová, Natália Hvizdošová, Vladimír Medvec: Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy 1 - Upper Limb. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Faculty of Medicine [online] , [cit. 18. 02. 2025]. Available from WWW: https://portal.lf.upjs.sk/articles.php?aid=116. ISSN 1337-7000.