Medical Biophysics for DM - Documentation for practical exercises
.. of basic vital functions on the model system
b) Conductometry - the dependence of solution..
Neurológia - prednášky pre Zubné lekárstvo
.. fakulte
NKZ-02 Extrapyramidový systém, cerebellum, ...
používateľ na pr..
Neurology I - lectures
.. member
NK-04 Extrapyramidal system and cerebellum
Videos for practical lessons from Anatomy - abdomen and pelvis
.. member
VA2e 10-01 Urinary system
faculty member
VA2e 11-01..
Internal medicine 4 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. CO). Professional diseases of the respiratory system -pneumoconiosis, professional asthma,..
Neurológia pre odbor Ošetrovateľstvo
.. a periférny motoneurón, mozoček, extrapyramídový systém, citlivosť, poruchy reči
používateľ na..
Topics for practical lessons from Anatomy 2 for students of General Medicine
..keywords: breast, mediastinum, heart, respiratory system, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, abdominal wall,..
Videá k praktickým cvičeniam z anatómie - brucho a panva
.. fakulte
VA2 10-01 Močový systém
používateľ na príslušnej faku..
Internal medicine 2 - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. in endocrinology. Hypothalamus – pituitary system axis and its disorders. Male and female..
.. (respiratory tract diseases, central nervous system diseases, wound infections, sepsisSome of them..