Clinical biochemistry - Lectures
.. and seminars. It places particular emphasis on water, ion, and acid-base balance disorders, as well.. .. biochemistry that include distribution of water, sodium, osmolality, hyponatraemia,.. ..keywords: water, sodium,.. .. MB
faculty member
Water, Ions
4.91 MB
Medical chemistry - Lectures for General Medicine students
.. Atom, nomenclature
2. Water, pH
3. Physical chemistry - introduction
4... ..keywords: nomenclature, water, pH, thermodynamics, kinetics, saccharides,.. .. member
Dispersive systems, water, solutions
1.81 MB
Clinical Biochemistry - Selected chapters, e-book
.. contains 13 chapters focusing on disorders of water-ion and acid-base balance, biochemical diagnosis.. .. and interpreting tests
Water and electrolyte disorders
Acid-base balance.. ..keywords: water, electrolyte, acid, kidney, liver, diabetes.. .. MB
faculty member
Water and electrolyte disorders
Pathophysiology I - selected lectures for General medicine and Dentistry
.. Genetics, Nutrition and obesity, Disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism, Disseminated..
Chemistry of dental materials - Lectures
.. of dental materials
Dispersion systems, water, solutions
Chemical reactions –.. .. member
Dispersion systems, water, solutions
3.19 MB
Urolithiasis - Stone disease
.. age, ethnic and genetic influences, food, water, pregnancy, lactation,..
Medical Chemistry – “hand book” for students of General and Dental Medicine
Structure of Atom
Chemical Bonds
Water and Dispersive Systems
Chemical Reactions.. .. MB
faculty member
Water and dispersive systems
2.81 MB
The Use of the Er:YAG Laser 2940 nm in complex caries removal
.. ablation is selective due to the content of the water, which is the main chromophore. The laser..
Systemic lupus erythematosus with multiple organ complications
.. to the rectum based on submucosal oedema - water target sign, small ascites). Severe nephrotic..
Systémový lupus erythematodes s mnohopočetnými orgánovými komplikáciami
.. žalúdka po rektum na podklade edému submukózy - water target sign, malý ascites). Pretrváva závažná nef..