Anatomy 1 for students of General Medicine
.. muscles, arteries, veins, lymphatic drainage and regional anatomy, lower limb (skeleton, joints,.. .. anatomy of lower limb.
16. Thorax – borders.
17. Thoracic wall – vessels, nerves... ..keywords: lymphatic drainage, regional anatomy, pelvis, walls and.. ..keywords: upper limb, lower limb, blood supply, venous and lymphatic drainage, regional anatomy, pelvis,.. ..keywords: drainage, regional anatomy, pelvis, walls and borders.. .. of LL. Pelvis – borders, pelvic diameters, walls of pelvis
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faculty.. .. to anatomy (history of anatomy, planes and directions, generally about bones, skeleton of.. .. Clinically important regions of LL. Pelvis – borders, pelvic diameters, walls of..
Management of breast cancer
.. diagnosed life-threatening cancer in women and the leading cause of cancer death among them.. .. at the surgery department of our hospital and reported that 2 years ago she had felt a small.. .. around nipple was done, and tumor with safe borders was excised and sent to pathology (Figure 6-9)...
Journey of a swallowed wooden stick to the liver
.. because of negative anamnesis of the accident and symptoms are usually non-specific. Problems can.. .. coughing, expectoration of white mucus, vomitus and diarrhoe.
He reported a past history of.. .. of the liver was found expansion with unclear borders (size: 6,9 cm) with thick wall (7 mm). There was..
Management of pilonidal sinus
.. marsupialization, primary midline closure and skin flaps. We present two cases treated with.. .. pus discharging through an opening in the skin and painful induration of surrounding.. .. [?]
Figure 1 - A scar after incision and evacuation of pus.
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faculty.. .. incision, black arrows show how to replace borders of the flap after excision ofrhomboid..