Obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is defined as the combined presence of obesity (BMI > 30kg/m2) with awake arterial hypercapnia (pCO2 > 6.0 kPa / 45 mmHg) in the absence of other causes of hypoventilation. The exact prevalence of OHS in the general population remains unknown, and most prevalence data describe subjects with obstructive sleep apnoea, wherein its prevalence has been estimated to range from 10% to 38% in different groups. On the other hand, patients with OHS often suffer from sleep-related breathing disorders. Prevalence of obstructive sleep apnoea may reach up to 90-95% in OHS patients.
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Obesity and lipids disorders and prevention of CV diseases
Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. The prevalence has increased at an alarming rate. More specifically, obesity is a complex condition which is influenced by a wide-range of genetic and non-genetic factors, with interactions between many of these.
Internal medicine 5 - lectures for students of General Medicine
..keywords: base balance, internal medicine, obesity, eating disorders, nephrology, nephrotic.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Obesity and eating disorders
2.07 MB
Pathophysiology I - selected lectures for General medicine and Dentistry
.. pathogenesis...). Genetics, Nutrition and obesity, Disorders of water and electrolyte metabolism,..
Obstructive sleep apnoea in extremely obese patient
.. examination: hyperstenic, exogenous obesity, eupnoea, oropharyngeal patency Mallampati grade.. ..keywords: Obesity with BMI: 40 and more, G47.31 Obstructive sleep.. ..keywords: obesity, obstructive sleep apnoea, continuous positive..
CLEVER Surgery Virtual Patients Cases
.. (grade I), hiatal hernia and grade II obesity..
Morbus Crouzon and severe Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
.. population. The major risk factors for OSA is obesity. Less common causes of OSA may be various..
Management of breast cancer
.. BRCA gens, frequent X ray and CT of chest and obesity, stress, depressions.
Treatment should be..