Hospital information system
Hospital information systems are designed with the aim to manage various clinical and patient health care related activities in more efficient way. In contrast to the paper based forms the administration tasks are realized in fully electronic way. This provides easy and fast access to the patient data, patient’s history of illness and treatment, allows monitoring of drug distribution, improves communication between physicians, reduces duplication of information entries, better financial management etc. Hospital Information systems also help in decision making procedures oriented on selection of proper treatment as well as on creation of health care policy.
Medical Informatics
.. informatics represents a science where the data, information and knowledge from the area of medicine and.. ..keywords: eHealth, information system, information.. ..keywords: eHealth, information system, information technologies.. .. [?]
Klinicky citlivé [?]
Course information
3.49 MB
faculty member
Virtual Patient - Survey
.. prepared a survey. The survey tries to collect information about most preferred features of such systems.. .. CROESUS aims to bring new technologies into the education processes at medical..
Computer Biometrics
.. that are integrated into the biometric technologies and systems in order to identify or verify.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Course information
1.91 MB
ABC of Informatics
.. of informatics and its background. The information systems and information technologies are widely.. .. The information systems and information technologies are widely used in today’s health care.. .. Data protection – basic principles of information..
Evidence Based Medicine
.. students and its purpose is to provide them information how to systematically search a wide range of.. .. offers information about Evidence-based medicine.
This work was.. .. [?]
Clinically sensitive [?]
Course information
1.93 MB
registered user
Microbial (bacterial) genetics
.. information is stored in all cells in the form of a DNA,..
Databases in MS Access
.. handling and evaluation of different types of information. Using a database one can store data about.. .. reports, macros, modules etc. The theoretical information and principles of these objects are summarized..
Brain tumors
.. on Brain Tumors. It contains information on the international classification of brain..
Basic Skin Structure and Function, Dermatologic Terminology
.. First part of presentation is focused on basic information about the structure and the function of the..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. lecture provides information on the basic aspects of urological examination...