Introduction to psychology

Lecture introduces into the field of psychology. It describes he basic approaches and its goals. The stress in on clinical psychology with description of its basic tasks – psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy used in medicine. Primary focus of clinical psychologists is the diagnosis and treatment of patients with mental and behavioural disorders. They are also dental patients, with whom a denstist has to communicate when treating them.
Psychology in Medicine

Psychology is becoming increasingly important in people's lives. It is significant to research human behaviour and how people interact with their environment, as well as how they develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. A rising number of people have been both physically and mentally harmed in recent years as a result of cognitive, emotional, or behavioural disorders. It was determined that a study book on psychology for medical students was required.
Ružičková, Dragašek: Psychology in Medicine, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, ŠafárikPress, Košice 2023, ISBN 978-80-574-0223-7.
Psychology in somatic medicine

The lecture explains how psychosomatic symptoms in patients develop, which psychosocial risk factors cause existence of psychosomatic problems, what is the role of psychological interventions in treatment and rehabilitation of patients. Furthermore, the most often occured disorders in population such as coronary heart disease, cancer and psychoneuroimunology issues are discussed in association wih psychological factors which may cause their incidence, influence their progression or play important role in treatment.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for Dental Medicine students

Lectures containing actual knowledge from Medcial psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to dental medicine students of the 2nd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of oral habits, stress and coping strategies, or psychology of emotions and cognition.
Psychology & Medical Communication - lectures for General Medicine students

Lectures containing actual knowledge from medical psychology that has been presented from academic year 2023/2024, and has been dedicated to the general medicine students of the 3rd year. Theorethical backround is linked to practical lessons, and includes topics such as communication skills, normality and pathology of personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, psychology of habits, stress and coping strategies, psychosomatic medicine, or psychology of emotions.
Psychological stress and coping
.. lecture from psychology and medical communication focuses now on topics.. ..keywords: psychology,..
Anemias in children
.. is an abnormal low hemoglobin, hematocrit or RBC count, lower..
Disorders of mood, drives and intelligence
.. is a field that studies abnormal cognition, behavior, and experiences that..
General psychopathology - disorders of will, acting, instincts and personality
.. description, categorization, and diagnosis of abnormal experiences as reported by the patient and as..
Appendicitis acuta and Meckel diverticulum
.. chest and abdominal radiography showed no abnormal signs.
Laparotomy revealed a..
Parainfectious myocarditis
.. the presence of an inappropriate tachycardia or abnormal ECG, to fulminant heart failure. Myocarditis may..