
This study material is intended to provide a summary of basic statistical measures, methods and tests used to describe and to evaluate various sets of medical data. The theory offered here should help students of General Medicine, who selected an elective course Biostatistics, to learn terms and concepts they will work with during practical lessons. Presentations create only the foundation necessary for understanding the role of statistics in clinical scientific research and recommended resources should be also used to study particular topics in more details.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 011UPJŠ-4/2019 "Increasing of competences and critical thinking level in students of medical study programs using simulation tools of Problem-Based Learning and Evidence-Based Medicine".
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The didactical materials published at the educational portal of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine are protected by copyright. No content of this portal may be used, distributed or reproduced in any way without the permission of the author.
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2025, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Medicine, All rights reserved.
Hospital information system

Hospital information systems are designed with the aim to manage various clinical and patient health care related activities in more efficient way. In contrast to the paper based forms the administration tasks are realized in fully electronic way. This provides easy and fast access to the patient data, patient’s history of illness and treatment, allows monitoring of drug distribution, improves communication between physicians, reduces duplication of information entries, better financial management etc. Hospital Information systems also help in decision making procedures oriented on selection of proper treatment as well as on creation of health care policy.
Computer Biometrics

Biometrics represents the science dealing with measurement and statistical analysis of people's physical and behavioural characteristics. It offers various methods and algorithms that are integrated into the biometric technologies and systems in order to identify or verify individuals that are under surveillance and/or to manage access control.
Medical Informatics

Medical informatics represents a science where the data, information and knowledge from the area of medicine and health care are systematically processed. Therefore, informatics itself is an essential part of medicine affecting health care system as well as education of its employees. Presentations here are intended to be used as introduction to the study of this area.
Anatomical dissection - head and neck (videos)

Anatomical dissection of the head and neck contains educational video recordings of dissections performed on cadavers in dissection rooms of Department of Anatomy. They are intended for students of medicine in order to acquaint them with anatomical structures of the human body as well as to extend their preparation for practical exercises. Documentation videos are supplemented with descriptions of individual anatomical structures and expert commentary.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016 "Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials".
Anatomical dissection - upper limb (videos)

Anatomical dissection of the upper limb contains educational video recordings of dissections performed on cadavers in dissection rooms of Department of Anatomy. They are intended for students of medicine in order to acquaint them with anatomical structures of the human body as well as to extend their preparation for practical exercises. Documentation videos are supplemented with descriptions of individual anatomical structures and expert commentary.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016 "Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials".
Anatomical dissection - lower limb (videos)

Anatomical dissection of the lower limb contains educational video recordings of dissections performed on cadavers in dissection rooms of Department of Anatomy. They are intended for students of medicine in order to acquaint them with anatomical structures of the human body as well as to extend their preparation for practical exercises. Documentation videos are supplemented with descriptions of individual anatomical structures and expert commentary.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016 "Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials".
Anatomical dissection - abdomen and pelvis (videos)

Anatomical dissection of the abdomen and pelvis contains educational video recordings of dissections performed on cadavers in dissection rooms of Department of Anatomy. They are intended for students of medicine in order to acquaint them with anatomical structures of the human body as well as to extend their preparation for practical exercises. Documentation videos are supplemented with descriptions of individual anatomical structures and expert commentary.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016 "Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials".
Anatomical dissection - thorax, axilla, respiratory system (videos)

Anatomical dissection of the thorax contains educational video recordings of dissections performed on cadavers in dissection rooms of Department of Anatomy. They are intended for students of medicine in order to acquaint them with anatomical structures of the human body as well as to extend their preparation for practical exercises. Documentation videos are supplemented with descriptions of individual anatomical structures and expert commentary.
This work was supported by the national grant KEGA 017UPJŠ-4/2016 "Visualization of education in human anatomy using video records of dissections and multimedia teaching materials" and VVGS – 2021 -1972 ”Production of english dubbing to educational videos – Dissection of thorax (digitalization of anatomy classes)”.