Internal medicine 6 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Problem-based teaching with a differential diagnostic approach to individual diseases within the sub-disciplines and mastering the issue of acute conditions in individual sub-disciplines. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Alcoholic liver disease. Acid – base balance disorders. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory, immunosupressive and immunorestaurant treatment. Syncope. Shock.Paraneoplastic syndrome. Differential diagnosis of chest pain. Medical genetics in clinical practice. Focal infection and sepsis. Fever – differential diagnosis in internal medicine. Differential diagnosis of oedema in internal medicine.
Internal medicine 3 - lectures for students of General Medicine
Myelodysplastic syndrome and acute leukemias. Anticoagulation and fibrinolytic therapy. Blood transfusion. Haemostasis and its disorders. Investigation methods in gastroenterology and hepatology. Diseases of the oesophagus. Disorders of the stomach and doudenum. Disorders of the small bowel. Malabsorption. Inflammatory bowel diseases. Tumours of the small and large bowel. The Pancreas Disorders of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Chronic hepatitis. Liver tumors Acute states in gastroenterology. Metabolic and toxic liver diseases. Liver cirrhosis. Hepatic failure. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory and immunosupressive treatment. Treatment with glucocorticoids.