Neurology 2 [NLK/NL-GM2/14]

Brain tumors

Author: Zuzana Gdovinová

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Presentation on Brain Tumors. It contains information on the international classification of brain tumors, discusses primary and secondary brain tumors. It deals with the etiology and pathogenesis of brain tumors, clinical symptomatology, diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors - symptomatic medical treatment, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and neurosurgical treatment.

Neurology 2 - lectures

Author: Zuzana Gdovinová, Matej Škorvánek, Marianna Vitková, Jarmila Szilasiová, Eva Feketeová

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Lectures from the subject of Neurology 2 are intended for students of the fourth year of the study program General Medicine. The individual records of the lecturers explain the main topics according to the current curriculum of the subject, including the topics such as ischemic stroke and many more.