Internal Medicine 6 [IK/IM-G6/18]

Internal medicine 6 - lectures for students of General Medicine

Author: Ingrid Dravecká, Ivana Valočiková, Peter Jarčuška, Peter Mitro, Ivan Majerčak, Zora Lazúrová, Ivica Lazúrová, Viola Vargová

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Problem-based teaching with a differential diagnostic approach to individual diseases within the sub-disciplines and mastering the issue of acute conditions in individual sub-disciplines. Differential diagnosis of jaundice. Alcoholic liver disease. Acid – base balance disorders. Immunodeficiency. Immunomodulatory, immunosupressive and immunorestaurant treatment. Syncope. Shock.Paraneoplastic syndrome. Differential diagnosis of chest pain. Medical genetics in clinical practice. Focal infection and sepsis. Fever – differential diagnosis in internal medicine. Differential diagnosis of oedema in internal medicine.