Materials for Lectures


Author: Martina Ružičková

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Practical lesson focuses on knowledge from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology that the students studied in previous years at Faculty of Medicine. They should study the use of some most important neuropsychological methods revealing speech,memory, learning skills and cognitive dysfuncions in neurologic and psychaitric patients. They study how to help patients using PC neurorehabilitation programs. 

Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development

Author: Pavol Mrážik

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The presentation is intended to the students of Dental medicine and General medicine as an introduction to pediatrics. Its aim is to emphasize that the child is not a small adult. This presentation highlights the most important differences from adults with which students can encounter during a basic physical examination of the child.

Dental Materials

Author: Žaneta Majerníková

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Presentation "Dental materials" is intended to the students of Dental medicine as an outline for the study. Dental materials represents a group of special materials used in dentistry to produce prostheses (include materials for prosthetic) and to treat dental caries (include materials of conservative dentistry).

ABC of Informatics

Author: Jaroslav Majerník

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It becomes increasingly important for medical professionals to have an understanding of informatics and its background. The information systems and information technologies are widely used in today’s health care systems, and therefore it is necessary to support education in this area for both medical students and for physicians who graduated before informatics was applied in the field of medicine. The aims of Informatics should be oriented on improving knowledge about computers’ terms, methods and tools. The student should acquire the knowledge that allows them to reach the appropriate computer skills. These have to be sufficient to use Informatics elements in processing of given tasks and/or scientific works in an effective way.