History taking and clinical examination, patient/doctor communication

This lecture involves do’s and don’ts for effective patient-physician communication in the field of psychiatry and how important assessment of patient´s non-verbal communication is. Patient may come in non-standard situation, and some of them may lack insight. In the second part of lecture, you will find informations about history taking, how to gain anamnestic data, and how to create final diagnosis step by step.
Examination of patient, dostor-patient communication, mood and anxiety disorders

This lecture offers informations about communication with a patient in field of psychiatry, how to gain anamnestic data and how important non-verbal communication in psychiatry is. In the second part of lecture, you can find information about etiopathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment principles of mood and anxiety disorders.
Internal medicine 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine
.. in dental medicine. Complete detailed history, physical examination of the patient and laboratory.. .. medicine. Complete detailed history, physical examination of the patient and laboratory examination.. ..keywords: medicine, history, physical examination, laboratory examination,.. ..keywords: medicine, history, physical examination, laboratory examination,..
Internal medicine - Propedeutics - lectures for students of General Medicine
.. nomenclature, evaluation of anamnestic data and physical examination in internal medicine. Evaluation of.. .. evaluation of anamnestic data and physical examination in internal medicine. Evaluation of basic.. .. head, neck, chest (lungs and heart), abdomen, physical examination of ascites. Palpation of the.. .. neck, chest (lungs and heart), abdomen, physical examination of ascites. Palpation of the peripheral vessels,..
Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development
.. with which students can encounter during a basic physical examination of the.. .. students can encounter during a basic physical examination of the..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. neurourology, androurology and sexual medicine. Examination of the patient is essential and very important..
Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine
.. topics, which are dealing with the fundamental physical processes in human body on molecular, atomic and.. .. in medicine, X rays – the nature and physical properties, Conventional radiography and CT,..
Symptoms, signs and investigation of urogenital system disorders
.. information on the basic aspects of urological examination. It discusses the history of urological..
Medical Biophysics for General Medicine
.. A lecture series is dedicated to fundamental physical background of processes in human body on.. .. in medicine, X rays – the nature and physical properties, Conventional radiography and CT,.. ..keywords: biophysics, biophysical phenomenon, biophysical processes, nuclear..
EEG, PSG and sleep disorders
.. basic principles of electroencephalography, the examination procedure, indications for EEG examination and..
Surgical Propedeutics
.. proper diagnosis, Basic principles of clinical examination and many other related.. .. diagnosis; Basic principles of clinical examination; Value of paraclinic examinations –.. .. KB
faculty member
Physical examination
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faculty.. .. KB
faculty member
Physical examination
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faculty member
Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine
.. of surgery; Basic principles of clinical examination; Priciples of antisepsis and.. .. [?]
Basic principles of clinical examination
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