Neurology I - lectures

Lectures from the subject Neurology 1 are intended for students of the fourth year of the study program General Medicine. The individual records explain topics according to the current curriculum, including cranial nerves I - XII, sensitivity, central and peripheral paralysis, cortical syndromes, speech and its disorders, symbolic functions and more.
Neurology 2 - lectures

Lectures from the subject of Neurology 2 are intended for students of the fourth year of the study program General Medicine. The individual records of the lecturers explain the main topics according to the current curriculum of the subject, including the topics such as ischemic stroke and many more.
Selected lectures from Neurology

Selected lectures from Neurology are devoted to the students of General medicine in the fourth study year. The students can find here the supporting materials to study Neurology topics in the form of lecture notes that should be used in combination with recommended literature. The slides offered here describe particular topics according to the syllabus.
Neurology - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

Lectures from the subject Neurology are intended for students of the study program Dental Medicine. In individual audiovisual recordings, students will be explained topics according to the curriculum of the subject, while they include e.g. cranial nerves, sensitivity, central and peripheral paralysis, cortical syndromes, speech and its disorders, symbolic functions and more.
Neurology 1 - lectures for students of general medicine

Materials for lectures from the subject Neurology 1 are intended for students of general medicine and present individual topics according to the curriculum of this clinical subject. The presented materials from the lectures are intended to serve as auxiliary study material for the students in the areas that need to be mastered in order to understand the basic principles applied in neurology.
Imaging procedures
.. on imaging methodologies used in diagnostics in neurology. These are methods such as computed tomography..