Pharmacology 2 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

Materials for lectures from the subject Pharmacology 2 are intended for students of the 3rd year of the study program Dental Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Pharmacology 1 - lectures for students of General Medicine

Lectures from the subject of Pharmacology 1 are intended for students of the third year of the study program General Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary study material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
Pharmacology 1 - lectures for students of Dental Medicine

Materials for lectures from the subject Pharmacology 1 are intended for students of the 3rd year of the study program Dental Medicine. They should serve as an auxiliary material for mastering the basic principles of pharmacology and gaining an overview about the various groups of drugs used in human medicine.
CYTOCHROME P-450: genetic and population aspects

Need of carrying out a pharmacological genotyping for providing the individualized pharmacotherapy is shown in the monograph based on the analysis of own and literary data of the central link of drug pharmacokinetics– systems of cytochrome P-450, taking into account its genetic polymorphysm. The monograph is intended for the clinical pharmacologists, geneticists and experts dealing with this problem.
Mavlyanov I.R., Ashirmetov A.Kh., Mavlyanov Z.I., Jarilkasinova G.J.: CYTOCHROME P-450: genetic and population aspects, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Košice 2017, ISBN 978-80-8152-526-1.