Treatment in psychiatry - Neurocognitives, nootropic drugs, anxiolytics, hypnotics, psychostimulants

Nootropics are a group of medicinal substances that can improve human thinking, learning, and memory, especially in cases where these functions are impaired. Anxiolytics are medications used to prevent or treat anxiety symptoms or disorders. Hypnotics are used to induce, extend, or improve the quality of sleep and reduce wakefulness during sleep. Psychostimulants are drugs that can significantly influence cognitive and affective functioning and behaviors.

Practical lesson focuses on knowledge from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology that the students studied in previous years at Faculty of Medicine. They should study the use of some most important neuropsychological methods revealing speech,memory, learning skills and cognitive dysfuncions in neurologic and psychaitric patients. They study how to help patients using PC neurorehabilitation programs.