Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development
The presentation is intended to the students of Dental medicine and General medicine as an introduction to pediatrics. Its aim is to emphasize that the child is not a small adult. This presentation highlights the most important differences from adults with which students can encounter during a basic physical examination of the child.
Puberty and its disorders
.. author presented physiology of the pubertal development, differencies between girls and boys pubertal.. ..keywords: development, precocious puberty, delayed..
Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development
..keywords: assessment, pediatrics, growth, development, psychomotor.. .. Clinical Assessment in Pediatrics, Growth and Development, Psychomotor Development
Histology and Embryology 2 - lectures for General Medicine students
.. organs and introduction to early embryonic development and oraganogenesis according to syllabus for.. ..keywords: anatomy, development.. .. MB
faculty member
Development of digestive tract
4.29 MB
Histology and Embryology 2 for students of Dental Medicine
.. sensitive [?]
Branchial apparatus, development of the face
3.84 MB
Differential diagnosis of hepatospenomegaly
.. nosological units, describes mechanism of the development of hepato and splenomegaly, diagnostic approach.. .. nosological units, describes mechanism of the development of hepato and splenomegaly, diagnostic approach..
Surgery 1 for Dental Medicine
.. to Surgery-propedeutic study; History development of surgery; Basic principles of clinical..
Surgical Propedeutics
.. to Surgery – propedeutic study, History development of surgery, Patient history and symptoms of.. .. to Surgery – propedeutic study; History development of surgery; Patient history and symptoms of..
General medicine - lectures
.. in an undifferentiated way at an early stage of development, which may require urgent intervention. The..
Systemic lupus erythematosus with multiple organ complications
.. a revision of the abdominal cavity for the development of the paralytic ileus.
22.01.2017- for..
Histology and Embryology 1 for students of Dental Medicine
.. Nerve tissue and Embryology (1.-8. week of development..