Imaging procedures
.. in neurology. These are methods such as computed tomography (CT), CT angiography, CT perfusion, magnetic..
Medical Biophysics for Dental Medicine
..keywords: biophysics, tomography, laser,..
Medical Biophysics for General Medicine
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faculty member
Positron emission tomography
4.84 MB
Constrictive pericarditis, reoperation
.. dilatation of LA and no valve disorder. Computer tomography also showed calcification of pericardium...
Total atelectasis of the right lung due to bronchogenic carcinoma
.. clinical development of pneumonia, computed tomography (CT) examination of thorax which proved right..
Ascending aorta replacement and repair of aortic valve because of ascending aorta aneurysm and bicuspid aortic valve with regurgitation
.. cardiopulmonary bypass; CT – computer tomography; ECHO – echocardiography; LAD – left..
Multiple lung abscesses
.. middle and lower lung zone (Figure 2). Computed tomography scans with contrast showed extensive..
Pneumotorax: Manažment pacientov a kazuistika z nášho pracoviska
.. YM, Alabkary S, et al. The accuracy of computed tomography in detecting surgically resectable blebs or..